
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Oh I Wish

Oh, I wish I was an.......

That is what I'd truly like to be.

'Cause if I were an ....
Everyone would be in love with me.


You'll be singing this

I know I have been.



  1. Giggle, giggle.At least it's a fun song to have stuck in your head!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Too funny! My X and I decided this was 'our song' because it was the only one he could remember the words too. Still brings smiles and good memories.

  3. Anonymous11:11 AM

    " My balogna has a first name....."

  4. so cute and your right it is stuck in my head.

  5. Anonymous4:06 AM

    The weinermobile was in Hawaii a year or two ago....imagine the logistics of shipping that sucker across the Pacific! My boyfriend and I happened upon it on a Sunday morning and followed it around for a while...was so cool!


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