
Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Thermos Collection

Much like many of my other collections, I never set out to collect Thermos Bottles.  I really, honestly did not.  I swear.  Although, a person that collects vintage tablecloths and picnic baskets might as well collect Thermoses too.  I could go on one heck of a stylin' picnic!

It all started when I went to a Fundraiser Sale at my old High School a few summers ago and found all these Thermoses on a table for a total of $2.00.  They were just so charming all together that I had to scoop them up.  I think if I wouldn't have found a whole lot of them at once, that I never would have given them a second look or started looking for them at other sales. 

But, I did find them all together and I did start looking for more.
And, I found more! (The little teeny one on the far right is actually an Avon Bottle.  I forgot that I had that one when I said earlier that a Benjamin Franklin Avon Bottle was the only Avon Bottle I've ever allowed in the house.)   I have Thermoses more that I didn't put in the photo because they are odd colors.  These all sort of flow, don't you think?
Although, the red ones do look best all together. 
I often wonder what my neighbors think of me, outside taking pictures of odd items. 
I don't really care what they think, anyway. 
It won't stop me from lining up odd things and taking odd photos. 
*I looked up the plural form of Thermos and it says Thermoses. 
But, it just looks weird. 


  1. oh dear! I might just have a lunchbox for every one of them! haha Like you I didn't set out to collect them, but I found my grandpas and then people thought "oh he collects them: and just started sending them to me haha!

  2. Sometimes when you see things grouped together like that you just get SUCKED into a collection..things look so much better in a group. I think we have all been sucked one collection or another (or multiple collections).

  3. I think they are cool! I must admit though that as I look at the pictures, I am singing the song from the movie The Jerk "I'm Picking Out a Thermos For You" LOL

    Love it!

  4. You've got a great collection! I have a fondness for them, because my Dad always took one to work, and he always drank from one while driving across the country on our vacations. I have three or four, but I've passed alot up because I just don't have a cool place to display them!

  5. My honey has several of thermoses! Love your collection of red and yes with all the picnic baskets this is a natural!

  6. Another neat collection - love 'em!!

  7. Your rows of Thermoses (you're right--it looks strange) is about the cutest thing I've seen today!


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