
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Reason I Got Out of Bed Today

The Bean and I went out today for a last day of Hurrah before we crack down on the old Homeschoolin'.  Lunch out in an actual restaurant - not a sandwich in the car in between stops and then a trip to Walmart just to look at stuff, not to buy groceries.  Of course, I managed to squeeze in a wee little trip to a thrift along the way. 

I found these very long skinny candles that are supposed to go in flower arrangements. 
To Etsy they will go!
Then I found this sweet old rawhide lampshade for a song. 

A peck fruit basket full of velvety millinery fruit.
Etsy or keep?  Half and half?
This old hand painted plate is absolutely wonderful.  Click on it to read the little poem - spelling errors and all.  What time and patience it must have taken to paint all that!  It's signed and has Bavaria on the back.  A bit of research and it will go to Etsy or ebay.
A very sweet old musical jewelry box.  It played fine at the store, but now the music box goes SPROING when you wind it.  ;o(  Still a cute box!

A very large yellow safety pin and bead basket.  I have several more of these that I have had on Etsy and in the Flea Market Booth and they never sold.  So, why I picked up this one....I still do not know.   Maybe I will list them as a LOT and see what happens.

A neat old wooden handle jump rope in the Bargain Bin.
I spotted this box on the way to pay - hidden behind a stack of puzzles. 
This was the reason I got out of bed this morning.
NINE decks of vintage child's card games with the most divine graphics ever. I haven't even looked at every single one of them yet.  I like to save boxes of surprises for while we watch TV at night.  I can't wait to dig through them.  Check out Gay Dog on the top row.  And the monkey!  And the bunny!  And the!  And the!  And the!  Oh.My.Word.  I'll scan a few for another post.  These, my friends, are keepers. 


  1. I would have gotten out of bed for the lamp shade alone!

  2. Love the children's cards. I used a set to make gifts for my bridge club. I used cute scrapbook paper and frames from Dollartree. Turned out precious. Good luck to Bean in the upcoming school year. I feel a bond with husband was a Breadman for years!! Love your blog!

  3. I go ga=ga over great vintage graphics too. Love the cards and the fruit. Don't give up on an item in your booth just because it hasn't sold. Move things around a bit and sometimes something that's been there a while will jump out to someone who's walked past it a dozen times before. I've learned to never say something won't sell. Sometimes, it seems like as soon as I lose patience with something and put it with the slow-sellers o the bottom shelves, it sells the next day. The randomness is part of the fun!

  4. The graphics on those cards are awesome... I especially like the monkeys!

  5. Oh I love all of those vintage cards. My blog post today is on vintage playing cards too!!

  6. I agree with Heidi Ann the lamp shade alone would get me. I have been working a lot so I have to have to get my fix with my sweet blogs thanks.

  7. uh! I had all those cards as a kid! They are precious! Please post some more pics of them! Gay Dog! I LOVED him in his jaunty little hat. Such memories.
    ps I didn't realize you TOO!


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