
Friday, January 01, 2010

After Christmas Sales - Glittery Finds

Since my Christmas decorations are all primarily randomly thrifted vintage treasures, I really never go look at the Christmas items at the stores. Not until they start marking things down, anyway!

So, today, when I heard that Target and Wal-Mart were 75% off, I went to do some shopping. I usually try to only buy useful things. Trash bags with snowflakes on them, napkins with Christmas trees, Ziplocs with penguins, cinnamon scented candles, etc. I try to avoid much in the way of decorations. But sometimes I see something and I DIE!
Like THIS...I squealed! I yippeed! I yahooed! Into the cart it went.
Then I spotted this one! Double Squeal! Yippee! Yahoo! Into the cart with it's buddy.
Fabulous, aren't they? There were $20.00 each, so I got them for $5.00 each. And, as true to my taste, no one else seemed to be giving them a second look. I think they are deee -vine! I plan on going back when everything is 90% off. If they still have more - at $1.99 - you know I will have to buy them! What will I do with them? Who knows!
I also bought a slew of bottle brush trees in all sizes for 25¢ each and a huge variety of glittery ornaments for 25¢.

Next summer, when it is 100 degrees, I am going to crank up the A/C and get my Christmas craft ON!


  1. Oh so cute! Where were the churches? WalMart or Target? I want one if they still have cute and so THRIFTY!

  2. I hit Target the other day at 50% off and scored some stuff - saw the vintage church, but wasn't cheap enuf for me. You did some good shopping at 75% off! I love it when it hits 90%...then I'm really digging thru the shelves.

  3. Those are great churches! The prices after the holidays can be amazing. I need to check some more sales myself before it's all over.

  4. Ok - you suck! LOL! Kidding of course, but those are awesome! Which store were those from? I dont remember seeing anything like them!

  5. I saw the churches at Target the other day--my store still had lots of them even at 75% off. I didn't buy, but I did get a pair of the glittery trees that matched them, but those were only 50% off--they were all gone at 75% off. LOVE that pink church!

  6. I saw those churches at Target and almost picked up the pink one, but there were a lot of them, so I will try for 90% ! LOL They also had a blue one and a three house white one. Me and Laurie, we think alike! Wal Mart was 75% off today, scored some ggod stuff! Loved this post!

  7. Oh, I forgot....I WANT THOSE TREES! I got 4 of them at Walmart....but they were almost all gone :( Good score there too! LOL

  8. The glittery houses are at Target - sorry I got confusing! GO GET 'EM!

  9. I didn't see anyhing pretty like that in our 75% rack at Target:( Sniff

  10. I saw these at Target, too, and thought they were pretty great. Good work, Shara!

  11. When I finally got to my Target, the only houses left were the displays. A clerk helped me unplug them and said they were 50% off, but when I got to the check-out, the checker said NO SALE! Since they were displays they had to "go back to the warehouse." What!? I could have strangled him!


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