
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Wreaths Across America

This afternoon, The Bean and I went to our National Cemetary to see something awe inspiring.

Wreaths Across America came and laid a wreath on every single grave.

As far as you could see, white headstones and fresh evergreen wreaths.

A beautiful tribute.

So solemn. So serene.

Here's a video of the work it took to prepare the cemetary and lay out the wreaths. I would have loved to have helped volunteer do this, but I didn't hear about it until after the fact. If they do it again next year, The Bean and I will be there.


  1. Wow! How lovely! I'm so happy to see that.


  2. Wow. That's very touching and left me with a lump in my throat. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thank you for these photos! I am so proud of our country for this tribute to our fallen hero's.


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