
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Vintage Christmas Monday - Santa Overload

It's Vintage Christmas Monday again over at Anything Goes Here. Be sure to check out all the other wonderful Vintage Christmas Goodies out in Blogland.
Last week I spotted this old box at the thrift store for $1.00. I knew something good would be in that box - Santa Novelties, Inc. Are you kidding me?
Inside was a dozen lovely glass ornaments. I don't think they've ever been used. I'm just going to leave them in the box and enjoy them as they are.

Okay, are you ready for some Santa's? Are you sure?

Santa's, galore! Woodland Santa's on the top - these are mostly Vintage Inspired and not really vintage.

But, these....these are all vintage.

Rubberfaced Santa's, Glittery Santa's, Bobbleheaded Santa's, Handmade Santa's.....

Santa's of all sorts and all kinds. I got that big Santa Mouse when I was five years old. I guess that makes him vintage. (And me too......boohoo).

An vintage Christmas Punch Bowl holds my Santa Mugs while more are stacked up beside it. I have all sorts and all styles of Santa mugs. But, I haven't found one in quite awhile. I didn't think much of it until last weekend when I saw an article in the paper about a local lady that has over 500 Santa Mugs that she has found at yard sales and thrift stores. So, that 'splains it.

And, lastly, my vintage Santa boots. My favorite one is the one on the far right. On the bottom it says, "To Joey, Love Mommie and Daddy, 1934." Too sweet! In the back you see The Bean wearing a vintage Santa suit and me on Santa when I was about six years old.

This isn't vintage - but I have to show my little girl kitty. She loves the Christmas tree. She lives under it the entire time it is up. She just lays there and looks at the lights. (Those skates are just an ornament - but man, they look huge!)

Merry Vintage Christmas Monday!


  1. Oh my goodness you have some Santa's!!!!! WOW is all I can say. Very cool collection. Love the kitty under the tree.

  2. WOW!! What a beautiful collection!! I love the baby Santa mugs. They are so cute, and I read on Oodles and Oodles that the Santa mugs are the where we get the coffee mug as we know it today!!

  3. You have a wonderful santa collection, I love the vintage ones the most! Sweet kitty under the tree... kitty kisses! Bisous... Julie Marie

  4. I love your Santa display. I've never seen so many different types or so many together before.

  5. Love this over the top collection of Santas. Sea Witch

  6. Your Santa collection is fantastic! Mine is still in a box under the bed. And the Santa mugs are wonderful too, especially that big one sitting in the bowl. I'm going to miss VCM, aren't you?!
    Merry Christmas and Happy VCM!

  7. gack! how did you ever find all of these treasures??? that's amazing, shara:) love the santa boots extra much...


  8. Wow! That's a lot of Santa's! Thanks for showing them! I can't imagine the work in getting them all displayed.

  9. What a neat, beautiful and extensive Christmas collections. WOW! xo Joan, your hostess


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