
Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Tuesday's Thrifty Finds

I need a new Christmas tree. Okay, maybe I don't need a new one, but I want a new one. We have two options at our house - a shorty five foot tree that I have to put up on an old beekeepers box to make it look 7 foot tall in our window or the huge fancy pre-lit After Christmas bargain I scored a couple of years ago that literally fill up the living room. One is way too small. One is way too big. I recently discovered the new Slim trees. And, I want one. I need a 6.6" slim tree. And, I need to find one at the thrift. So, I went looking today.

Stop #1: The thrift that had a pile of trees still in their boxes last week before I decided I wanted a new tree. CLOSED

Stop #2: Newer thrift in town that recently expanded to twice it's size. Found a slim 6.5 foot tree, bu it was $25.00. That seemed a bit pricey to me for a used tree, so I passed. At Stop #2, I was so excited when I walked into an entire room chock full of Christmas items. Not just a table full or a shelf full - but a room full! I took my time and looked at every single thing. But, nothing appealed to me. BooHoo.

Stop #3: Salvation Army. No trees that fit the dimensions on my wishlist. But, I found a 7 foot tree for....$75.00. Holy cow!

No tree for me today. (Said Soup Nazi style). But, as usual, I found a few good things.
A vintage California/Disney serving tray. I so do not like Disney stuff. But, this has character. Etsy bound.

A vintage seed bag from a Watermelon Seed Farm for $4.00. It's really big - probably a 100 lb. sack. Not sure what I will do with it, but bringing it home was a no brainer.

Three vintage poinsettias with Mercury Glass beads in the center. I found all three at the Salvation Army for a total of 80¢. To find anything vintage at the SA is a miracle in itself, but to have only paid 80¢? Now, that truly is a miracle!

This fabulous piece of vintage pottery was $2.25. It's just the kind I collect and in my new favorite color - pink!

Tomorrow I'm off to a few more thrifts in search of a tree and maybe a few more treasures. Then it's back home because our first bout of sleet and snow is coming. Ick. At least I will get my decorating mo-jo and get this place decorated!


  1. I have to giggle because I just changed my blog background, before I realized you have the same one! We're blog twins. :)

    Could you use the graphic part of that sack and make a pillow out of it? It's hard to tell how large it is from the photo, so maybe it would be one humongous pillow if you did that.

    Neat poinsettias! Never seen any like those before.

  2. Wow! The seed bag is in beautiful shape. Any dates on it? I would love to buy my flour and sugar in those bags. That is one area where progress isn't necessarily better!

  3. That pink bowl is fantastic!
    We made the switch to a slimline a couple of years ago, because our house is so tiny, and we got sick of having to through pieces of furniture in the attic just to put the tree up. And the branches fold up, so this year I actually pushed it against the wall, folding up the back branches, so we have even more room! I'm actually on the lookout for a white slimline. I don't know if they make them, but I NEED a white tree!

  4. Love the pink piece of pottery. I agree the treehunt can be a pain sometimes. DH wants a white one - $200 at Target not happening - can't find any like he wants at thrift shops. Good luck with your search - hope you find exactly what you're looking for.

  5. We have our share of aluminums and fake Charlie Browns... but for our 'Main' tree I still hold out for a Live one - call me what you will, but while I can, I'm gonna. Good luck on your hunt - I think that you will need it!!

  6. Anonymous2:05 PM

    I had the same dilemma! I like to put up several trees in different themes, and my big tree was just TOO big. Around February or March of this past year, I found a 6 ft. slim-line tree at the Goodwill for $4! I was beyond excited. I have it up this year and it is perfect! I have all the ornaments on it that I have purchased for my children over the past 18 years plus an abundance of snowmen. I also have a 6 ft. alpine primitive-look tree with primitive ornaments on it in the same room, and there is still room to move around. Love it! I wish you much success in your tree-hunting endeavors. I hope you find exactly what you want!



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