
Monday, November 30, 2009

Temporary Vintage Decorations

When I decorate for Christmas, I completely strip the house. Everything decorative is gone, only furniture and shelving remains. I took everything down on Friday, but I knew that I couldn't do any real decorating until today. But, the house looked so blah. Plain and empty. And, I really wanted to see some of my things. So, I grabbed the box labelled "VINTAGE CHRISTMAS" and threw it on the bookshelf. I love to see it all out like that. But, it's temporary - everything will be put somewhere else. I really only decided two years ago that I loved vintage Christmas items. More specifically, vintage Christmas packaging. I've done well to acquire so many wonderful vintage items - all at my local thrift stores for practically pennies.
I've been the lucky recipient of vintage items in swaps and surprise packages in the mail.An egg basket full of ornaments. I love the look of this - but they have to go on the tree eventually. Hopefully I can find more this year to fill it up again. *Crossing fingers*

Lots of ornaments, plucked from the 10¢ box at The Super Cheap Thrift, one at a time.

I'm joining in on the Vintage Christmas Party at Anything Goes Here. I don't usually join in on blog parties - but VINTAGE CHRISTMAS???? Count me in!
I'll be back every Monday until Christmas with more vintage Christmas finds and photos. ANd, probably pretty much every other day too.......I'm crazy that way!


  1. I have added you to the link list for Vintage Christmas Monday. Welcome, and I see you have already posted with your temporary decorations~ which look fabulous! Happy Vintage Christmas Monday. xo Joan

  2. You do have a lot of vintage Christmas things. I'll look forward to see how you use them to decorate your home. Loved seeing the abandoned house and the way you "decorated" it for Christmas. Clever!

  3. I am sitting here drooling over your shelves!!! What a delight for the eye!

    Thanks for sharing.


  4. I can't believe you've collected all of that in just 2 short years! Spectacular! And I've taken a cue from you and am packing the normal decor away and filling the spaces with Christmas stuff. I've never done that before, but it sure makes a difference!
    Happy Vintage Christmas!

  5. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Wow! I think you should be crowned the queen of vintage Christmas items. You have alot, I am so jealous! ;) Looks fun to decorate with, I better start collecting!

  6. LOVE your vintage Christmas decorations and collectables. My tree has vintage ornaments on it and I'll post about it this week.
    We share the same love of vintage!
    Funny post about your "house" that's ready for Christmas!!
    Congrat's to the winner too.
    I'm so behind on reading blogs. Need more time in the day!
    Deb :)

  7. Wow! You have quite a few vintage treasures...can't wait to see how you finish decorating!

  8. AMAZING, I cut back this year! I love it all!

  9. Oooh your treasures look fabulous! I love seeing them all together like that! Looking forward to seeing how you display them as well... Bisous... Julie Marie PS Joan's party is sooo much fun!


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