
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thank you to YOU!

We have a WINNER!
True Random Number Generator
Min: 1
Max: 13
Result: 1
(I didn't count the stupid SPAM comment or my own snarky comment!)
And Sarah thought she wouldn't win since she was the first commenter. But, she DID!
Congrats, Sarah.

On this Thanksgiving Week - I am thankful to all of my wonderful Blog Friends. I appreciate your friendships and your thoughtfulness.

As a small THANK YOU - I have a giftie for one lucky person. Leave a comment with some way to get in contact with you - your profile, your blog or your email address.

What can you get? An Countdown to Christmas Calendar.
Each day is a small box for holding a goodie. And, I already filled each one of them up with some little surprises.

You can also turn the boxes into puzzles. Santa decorating the tree.

Santa taking a nap by the fireplace.

Santa off on his journey.

A lovely winter scene.
For the record, there are pictures of each puzzle on the top of the box. I wish I had realized that because it took me for-ever to figure them out. What a goof!
Leave a comment. No hoops to jump through - just make sure I can contact you. I will draw a name out of my favorite Santa hat on Thanksgiving Night and mail it out on Friday. You might miss a couple of days on the countdown - but you will be able to open a couple boxes right away!


  1. Ah well, as the first commenter I will surely not be the winner, but this would make my life easier this year! LOL

  2. I would LOVE to enter!! We just lost our dog, and I have been lower then a snake's belly! A surprise box in the mail would be a great treat!

    Thanks for your very sweet giveaway :)


  3. Waaaahhoooooo!! Add me in! This is amazing! My son and I would love this!!

  4. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Happy Thanksgiving Shara to you and your family! Please include me in your giveaway. I would love anything from you.

  5. Thank you for having a sweet giveaway! Love it and if I win...I know that my Granddaughter will love it too!
    Love your finds and reindeer picks are sweet.
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Deb :)

  6. What a great give away !!!! Sign me up : ) You always have the coolest stuff.

  7. Anonymous2:17 PM

    How cool! Sign me up please! Hope you and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.


  8. How fun is this! Count me in! I've seen the things you collect, so I imagine the goodies inside are loads of fun!

  9. Anonymous9:31 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Oooh, I need that calendar. TOO cute!!

    I'm a first time visitor from the Sweet Goodness swap blog. I'll be back!

  11. Oh I hate when an inappropriate comment gets deleted before I can read it!!
    Please enter me in your giveaway! Although my daughter is going to be 21 in December, I still always have one of these for her every year, and you would save me alot of time searching one out!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. Janet K.2:16 PM

    Another reason to be thankful, what a generous giveaway!! Hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful and you have all your favorites. I read your blog every day and love your honest spirit. HTH Janet

  13. How cute is that!!!! Please enter me. I am such a faithful reader of your blog. You have such interesting entries each time!


  14. This has to be the cutest idea I've ever seen. It's just adorable...and I so hope,I hope,I hope I win. I love tiny treasures...and this is such a sweet giveaway filled with them. Have a lovely Thanksgiving..I hope it's filled with everyone you love.

  15. It's been a week or two since I've checked in, and look what I find - a cute giveaway. Lucky me! :)

  16. Oh my gosh, my grandchildren would love that.

    homeandgardenparty4u at yahoo dot com


I love my comments. I'd love to respond to everyone, but if you don't have an email address tied to your ID, please sign your name so I will know who you are! It makes it nice to know who is saying what. Now, leave a comment! Please? ;o)