
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sparkle Time

The only rule in my quest to purchase one lowly bottle of dish soap today was that I did not want to shop anywhere that they sold turkeys or cranberries. I worked in a grocery store for ten years. I know the nightmare that is "The Day Before Thanksgiving." People buying 23 pound rock hard frozen turkeys at 6:30 in the evening and expecting to serve it to their guests at noon the next day. I so do not think so............

The answer to my quandary was Dollar General. And, it just so happens that one of my favorite thrifts is thisclose to the Dollar General. But, surely it wouldn't be open today - the day before Thanksgiving. The whole place is run by a bunch of Grandma's that surely must have turkeys to roast, pies to make and cranberries to sauce. No, I knew it wouldn't be open. But that didn't stop me from doing a drive-by. And, yippee, it was OPEN!

Straight to the Christmas I went. My eyes surveying the table looking for sparkle. And, what did I spy with my little eye?


A big old box of SPARKLE! Actually, two boxes and a baggie full, but here it is all in it's glory. And, only $2.25 for it all. There are a lot of the smaller ones that I dearly love in there, but they have sunk to the bottom.

Hey! What's that over there? More sparkle?

A vintage Christmas corsage. My very first one! In perfect condition. It's almost like it had never been out of the box.

Oh, that's because it hasn't! Still in it's awesome vintage box. It was marked $2.00 and I was more than happy to pay that for it. But, when I paid, one of the aforementioned Grandma's said, "Oh, that's only worth 50¢." Okey Dokey Hokey Pokey.

What? Moooooooore sparkle?
Full spools of lurvely green velvet ribbon, red velvet ribbon and sparkley silver glitter tape - $1.00 for it all. I think Glitter tape is one of the loveliest inventions ever.
I've never smoked, or drank or done drugs. I thrift! I swear it's the best high. You all understand, don't you? Well, don't you?
*It's 10:00 Wednesday night and there are already people waiting outside Best Buy for Black Friday. Crazeeeeeeeeeee.
**I found an unscratched Lottery ticket in the trash at the car wash today. I scratched it off and won $10.00.
***No, I do not dig in the trash - it was on top!
****Don't forget to go to the next post down for a treat.
*****Happy Thanksgiving!
******Did you know that Okey and Dokey and Pokey aren't in spellcheck? But Hokey is?
*******That's it. I'm done! Gobble Gobble!


  1. Wow! A day doesn't get much better than that. Vintage Christmas and $10 in the lottery! High Five! Glad you got your fist Christmas corsage...they are a great collection! gobble, gobble xo!

  2. Wed. was your EBOR for the B-day box you sent!! Most definitely! Happy turkey Day chick!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving Shara and family!
    Love that Christmas sparkle - especially like the silvery pinecone ornaments. You'd better go put that corsage on your winter coat right now! When I was a little girl I lived in Michigan and Moms always had Christmas corsages on for all of December.

  4. I am so jealous of everyone & their vintage ornaments. I have found ONE!

    They lined up early at Best Buy here, too. They must have also done it early at Toys R Us, because when we got there at 11:30 Thanksgiving night, the line went all the way down past several businesses!

  5. Hi I'm a first time visitor to your Blog but it won't be my last. Love your finds...whoo hooo! I love thrifting and all the highs I get from my finds. If you have a moment to visit my blog you will see a find I found on Black Friday. You made me smile with your enthusiasm.

  6. Great finds as usual. I, too, just found a vintage Christmas corsage in a box! Well two actually though one is way cuter than the other. Ooo I need to take a picture. :)


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