
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I'd Love To Blog Today

But, I can't.

Because, there's not a cloud in the sky.

And, the leaves are beginning to change.

Because there's places to go.

And people to see.

Things to observe.

And fossils to find.
Spider webs to investigate.

And lessons to learn.
No, I'm sorry. I cannot blog today.
Maybe tomorrow will be a better worse day.

But, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.


  1. Anonymous1:42 PM

    You should 'not' blog more often:) Beautiful pics and wonderful descriptions. Thanks for sharing!
    sushay91 @ ysq

  2. You're getting your Fall mojo - I LOVE IT!!

  3. Such pretty pictures! We've gotten a "tetch" of Fall the last couple days and it's wonderful--I was also out snapping pix of everything. And am now on my way to the post office to send off the box of "junk"--when I get back I'll download the photos of what I took and what I replaced it with!!

  4. That all looks peaceful and tranquil,ahhhhhh.


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