
Monday, September 28, 2009


Amazon has a great deal going on right now. The Wii is down to $199.00 PLUS you will get a $25.00 Gift Card. Details about the card are on the Wii page at Amazon. You can click on the link above for more details.

The Wii also qualifies for FREE SHIPPING plus you get the $25.00 Gift Card, so it really is a GREAT DEAL!!!!!

I ordered one for The Bean for Christmas. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I plan on using the $25.00 Gift Card to get this:

and a game to fill it out.

Christmas is coming..........Ready or not!

1 comment:

  1. I don't regret one single full-price penny I paid for my Wii -- other than both of us getting sore immediately after we started playing it, it's the best thing ever! My sister plays tennis sitting down! And OMG--I just got the box o'junk. I have never, ever, ever seen so many goodies in one place (other than my shed). I will follow your instructions and will post photos asap. What a great way to start the week!!!!!!


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