
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Craft Challenge #2 - Spool

Rebecca over at Thrifty Goodness hosted a craft challenge. Each participant had to make something out of a wooden spool. I thought and thought and decided to go with a little fairy doll. She is only standing on the spool so she isn't completely made out of a spool. I tried to make her out of a spool, but it gave her a rather round boxy shape that wasn't very fairy like. But, I tried to use the spool as the main piece. There is a bonus spool in there - can you spot it?

I have had these Japanese heads for over twenty years and never had a use for them. But, I loved them, so I kept them. Now, suddenly, I have used them all and had to order more on Etsy last week. (Note that I finally got my Etsy shop up ad running with more items to be added. yeah, me! Link on the side bar.)

Do you see the bonus spool? The itty bitty spool pig? I found a tiny spool in my crafting crap and decided to make it into a wee bitty piggy. Every fairy needs a piggy, right? The piggy even has fairy wings. A fairy pig.

Somewhere recently I picked up a baggie of old pipe cleaners and some other random items. In it I found three little paper Dresden cones. I used one as a party hat and glittered it to match the fairy. The only way I can hold the hat and glitter it is to attach it to my fingertip like a big fake fingernail. Then I have to walk around the house with it attached to my hand while it dries. The things we do for our art. ;o)
Here's the fairy pig. I had to draw on the face. I had black beads for eyes, but it looked scareeee!

A fairy backside. Pink leaf wings, some rick rack and some pink pompoms round her out. I think I'm in love, if I do say so myself!
*Special thanks to Magpie Ethel for helping ignite my creative juices. Her creations are so stinking adorable! When I win the lottery, right after I get my own soft serve ice cream machine, I am going shopping in her Etsy Shop and buying it ALL. ;o) But you don't have to wait to win the lottery to afford her creations......


  1. Anonymous1:23 PM

    she is adorable! So Cute! s.

  2. Hey Shara The fairey is TOO cute, and I love the addition of the lil' pink piggy! Gotta agree with you on Magpie Ethel's stuff...does she have the coolest craft room ever?? Congrats on getting Etsy up n' running. I signed myself into that 2 years ago and still have done nothing...nada...but then I didn't finish your get well card either and now you're all better! Insert Red Face, here. Story of my late & several dollars short. LOL *elaine*

  3. Shara,
    Gld I could supply some inspiration for your spool challenge....great job! Those japanese heads are adorable - glad you hung onto them and finally put them to use! I'm a sucker for a pink fairy!

  4. Oh how cute! I thought about joining this round, but was afraid of not being able to find an idea!

  5. I think your fairy is pretty stinkin' cute too! I wish I had the creativity to make stuff like this, or like Laurie does. I leave it to you two professionals!

  6. Anonymous2:02 PM

    I love the leaf wings! They're a wonderful delicate touch, and tie-in perfectly with the mini toadstool (my favorite!) Great job!
    -Courtney (austinite)

  7. Oh I LOVE her! And her little piggy, too. :)

    I haven't finsihed mine. I did not like the way it was coming out. Hopefully I'll be inspired soon. I have lost my craft mojo! weep!

  8. Anonymous10:51 AM

    I love this!
    What a beautiful blog you have here.Thanks for visiting Twice Upon A Time....


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