
Sunday, May 03, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away

It started raining sometime Thursday afternoon, and now here it is Sunday night, late, and it. is. still. raining. Still. raining. And, it is only 52 degrees outside so it feels like an old cold winter weekend. And, on an actual cold Winter weekend that is okay. But on the first weekend of May, that is simply not acceptable. Not. acceptable. It seriously cuts into my junking time. Yesterday there was a community yard sale in the high school parking lot. Cancelled. A Flea Market out at the landlocked waterwheel I love. Cancelled. Springfest. Cancelled. War Eagle Craft Fair. Cancelled.



*Sigh. What's a girl got to do to get some junk around here?

Luckily, Thursday morning I got wind of a sale that sounded promising, so I hit it early. Sadly, it was a bust and I left empty handed. On the way home, I found a huge indoor sale, so that was a nice treat. I found a few goodies, but not much to get excited over. I mistakenly thought that it was just a few goodies to tide me over until the weekend. Wrong-O. That was IT.

Oh well, here are the goods.

A box of Cabbage Patch Preemie Doll Diapers. Too teeny and cute to leave behind. ebay bound.

A huge shell planter. It is bigger than a bowling ball. I know it is hard to tell in this photo, but it is BIG. I really want to put it out by the pink glider with pink Petunias in it, but it doesn't have a drainage hole, so that won't work at all. I might sell it, who knows.

A double cheruby vasey sort of thing. Not my usual speed, but it fits in with my white pottery and will be good for my Valentine's Day decor.
A single white cheruby vasey sort of thing. Not my usual speed, but it will go...oh, wait, I already said that......

I did find one particularly good score that made me happy.

Seasons 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Seinfeld - still shrink wrapped and brand spanking new-ola. I hesitated to ask the price of these DVD sets because most people seem to think DVD's are golden at yard sales and usually price them at nearly retail, if not more. But, I decided I might as well ask. What the heck, right? A lot of whispering and discussion ensued and the final decision was $1.00. $4.00 for four boxed sets of my Seinfeld! Deal! Then, when I checked out I discovered that they only wanted a dollar for THEM ALL. One buckaroo for all that yadda yadda Seinfeld. That, my friends, was worth the trip!

The weatherman is yapping right now saying that the rain won't end until Saturday. Holey Guacamole. That is a long time. ;o(


  1. We have had nothing but rain here for over 7 days. I'm ready for sunshine now.... Despite all the cancellations you did good.

    Stay dry!

  2. Hey Shara! Send some of that rain my way...we have had NO rain in 2 1/2 weeks, and are so dry we've been under a severe fire advisory/burn ban for even longer. I love my Florida sunshine, but we could sure use some of that wet stuff! You did better than I did at sales over the weekend...went to 4 on my way to work on Friday, and spent .25 on a strange little wooden cat, not even worth picturing! Have a great week, and I'm sending you some sunshine! *elaine*

  3. GREAT finds. I LOVE Seinfeld, we watch it all the time. Sometime you and I should meet up and go to sales together. I would love to see you work your magic!

  4. Rain Rain go away. All gray skies and rain up here too lately. Boo.

  5. This may be your EBOR for Great Junkin' Karma in the near future!!!!

  6. I LOVE Seinfeld, too. I was at the used bookstore a couple of months ago and bought Season 3 with credit I had (about $12 I believe). I was very excited until I got home and realized I already had Season 3. Bummer! $1 is a STEAL!

  7. I have forgotten what sunshine looks like. We had to get our jackets back out of the closet, I thought they were put away for the season but I was wrong! You might be able to use the planter, you would need to put a layer of gravel down in the bottom but it still might not work well to actually plant in it.

  8. Well, your $1 deal on the Seinfelds sure beats the full price I paid to get them for my dad one by one for special occasions. His, too, still remain in their original shrink wrap, unwrapped and unwatched. But rest assured I'll be asking for more than $1 someday for them!

  9. ah, springtime in the Ozarks. You never knoww hat you are gonna get...floods, hail, tornadoes, sun, heat...and all in the same weekend! stay dry and try and be patient! i missed my junking this weekend as well, but i am off to my volunteer job at the charity shop, so that will have to do!

  10. Hey, Amanda, I can tell by your profile that you are a serious yard saler like me & you love your junk! So glad you stopped by the party to join in. I get so excited to see all the younger girls out there who are really getting into thrifting. It's such a fun & rewarding thing to do. Come back & see me often.

  11. Oops, I think you are Shara & the monkey is Amanda, right?! :) Anyway, so glad to meet a fellow junker. I am laughing at your AARP envelope. I get those ALL the time & my 49 year old hubby loves to harrass me about them. His day is coming soon!

  12. Hey, c'mon down here to southern Mississippi and then you'll get to experience being miserable in a new way--HOT and wet. Fortunately nobody cancels anything if it's just raining; heck, we're already drenched in sweat so what's the big deal?


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