
Saturday, May 02, 2009

Dear Mr. Novelli

Dear Mr. Novelli,

I received the Membership packet to day to join AARP. I believe it was nearly a year ago that I discussed this very same issue here.

I must tell you that seeing the envelope in my mailbox reading: "AARP - The Best Resource for People over 50, like Yourself", was a hard pill to swallow.
You see lately, I have been noticing a few more stray gray hairs at the temple which I promptly doused with Clairol Loving Color #44B and a line or two around my eyes. Also, my 18th Wedding Anniversary is this month, followed by upcoming 25th High School Reunion. So, I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed and a bit older as of late.
However, Mr. Novelli, I am NOT FIFTY YEARS OLD. I am 42 years old. Somedays I wish I wasn't 42 and I cringe at the thought of it. But, announcing I am 42 beatr the hell out of YOU saying I am 50! Over 50, in fact! Ack! I will not be 50 for eight more years. My son will be a 21 year old beer drinking, draft eligible, registered voting college student when I am 5o. We are talking an eternity until that time! I will be celebrating my 26th Wedding Anniversary by then. I will have been out of high school for 33 years. But, none of those things, I REPEAT, NONE of those things will happen until I am FIFTY YEARS OLD, so kindly keep your yearly invitations to YOURSELF and stop inflicting more downer into my day. Shame on you Mr. Novelli!
A Spring Chicken
42 year old - Shara
PS to my readers: I know being 50 years old isn't a bad thing. It's just that I AM NOT FIFTY YEARS OLD!


  1. Anonymous5:26 PM

    shara, I know what you mean. I am
    48 and get those "invitations" also. The only thing I like about
    this is the "senior discount". Sometimes at our local thrift stores they ask if I am 55 and sometimes when I am feeling old, I
    say yes and I get an additional 30%
    off! ha! S. (By the way, I have a
    12 year old son, too).

  2. Oh, those "invitations" make me so mad I stomp all the way back to the house (we have a very long driveway) and run them right through the shredder! Nobody under 70 joins AARP. I don't know why they bother. I am feeling your outrage. Even if you are, you know, a little younger.

  3. They do that to everybody, I remember getting them when I was 40 too. You'd think they'd learn! But I gotta tell you, AARP aside...being 50 absolutely rocks, it is the best! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

    Trust me!

  4. Shara, I just want to tell you that you have an awesome blog and I just love reading it. I too get AARP invites - however, I am 56 so it's justified. But, I throw them away. I would rather pay full price than admit to being over 50, hah! Also, I don't think you are a "snoop." I like to watch the neighbors too!!!


  5. LOL...

    One of the times I got one of those I returned it with a nasty "I AM NOT GOING TO be 50 FOR *** YEARS! HOW DARE YOU SEND ME THIS!!"

  6. I am 45 now, but just after I turned 40 the woman at the grocery store asked me if I wanted the senior discount. I was flabbergasted and couldn't even reply! If I see her as a checker I NEVER go thru her lane. Totally put me in a bad funk about turning 40 (but I am wayyyy over it now...I like the 40s)

  7. Well, lucky me, I got to become a member of AARP in my 30s thanks to my much older husband who qualified. :[ But, they won't give me health insurance and the discount at hotels is usually the same as AAA so what good is it doing me?


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