
Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Trash To Treasure

TRASH: Purchased today at Wal-Mart for $2.50 on Clearance. Hannie Montannie Secret Star Memo Board. Bleeech.

Remove the rhinestones, staple on a cute pillowcase with a fun pocket, add a little vintage rickrack and wah-lah...

TREASURE: It's a little imperfect, but I like it that way. Besides, Hannie Montannie just isn't my thing.


  1. I was just telling Quin last night how glad I am that Maren is not old enough to be into Hannah Montana. Small comfort, because I'm sure there'll be another tarty pop princess by time she's 13, but I'm going to do my darnedest to make this kid into a Beatles & U2 fan and hopefully spare us from all that. I've got 9 years--wish me luck! LOL

  2. LOL

    Somehow Jack already knows who hanna is. How? We dont watch that!

  3. Turned out super cute! My girls think they are too cool for Hanna Montana, PHEW!

  4. Hannie Montannie might go away, but there's still Miley Cyrus to protect your kids from! Made over bulletin board is just too cute.

  5. I don't really mind Hannah Montanna. I do think all the "junk" that you can buy is a bit ridiculous. We actually like the show. It's good for kids The Bean's age - not so much for hte little set that all the "junk" is aimed for, in my opinion.


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