
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Momma Needs a Binky

Today the family and I went to Target. Oh,my God. I am so not a retail shopper. At least not a full priced a week before Christmas retail shopper anyway. Too many people and nothing on sale - not on sale by my standards anyway. When we got to Target I realized that I was wearing a red shirt. Every time I go to Target, I tell myself not to wear red. I have a retail kind of face. People ask me where things are all the time. So, I try to at least not dress the part. The saddest part of this whole story is that I usually can help the people. I worked in retail for 10years and I understand the layout of grocery type stores. I know the marshmallows are by the pie crusts and pudding. I know the honey is by the peanut butter. I know the maple syrup is on the cereal aisle, but corn syrup is by the baking supplies. Some people just don't know that stuff.
Oh, I forgot. No one ever did ask me where anything was today. I think it had something to do with it being a week before Christmas and nearly everyone was wearing red. Ho Ho Ho.

We have sort of a family tradition to do something funny around Christmas. When I was a kid we had a phone book for Topeka, Kansas. One year we opened it up and randomly pointed to a name. Then we sent them a Christmas Card. Every year. For ten years or so. One year we got a really nice card from them. "We have wracked our brains and just cannot place you, please remind us. We do so look forward to your Christmas Cards each year." Well, that just made it even more humorous to us. So, we just kept on sending those cards. Terrible, I know. Terribly FUNNY!

When we left Target, there was an identical red Saturn VUE parked next to our red Saturn VUE. So, to carry on the funny Christmas thing, I wrote out a Christmas Card from our VUE to their VUE wishing them a "Merry Christmas". It would absolutely make my day if someone did something like that to us, so I hope they thought it was funny.

On the way to and from Target, the family let me make a thrift store stop. The thrift store stop before was to pacify me and the thrift store stop afterwards was to console me.
Thrift stores are my Binky!

I have been looking at this old window at the thrift for a couple of months. For some reason, I decided to buy it today. I don't know why I wouldn't buy it before, but today I did. It was $5.00. I was secretly hoping they might consider it Christmas and give it to me at 50% off.

When I went to check out, the lady at the desk said, "Oh my God. Thank you for buying that &^%$ (she mouthed the word) window. We have been kicking it around forever!" It wasn't Christmas, but since she was glad to be rid of it, she only charged me $3.00. I'll paint those stars or replace them with some rusty stars and make it more "me".

I stuck it in front of my window with my elves and Shiny Brite laden lamp. The tabletop is a bit full, but it is too close to the big day to be re-working the decor. I do like the way I was able to get the trio of old bottle brush trees up on the "sill".

I usually avoid the felt/sequined ornaments, but this package with the big pink poinsettia on top was a keeper for 25¢ and the 25¢ itty bitty Nutcracker is for The Bean's Nutcracker collection. He is less than 2" tall. The Nutcracker that is, not The Bean.

Well, geez, that's a blurry photo. Hmmm. Anyway, I got enough Shiny Brites for 50¢ to fill up my cloche. I'm on the hunt for basic colors to make a few more wreaths by next Christmas. (Yes, I am already planning next year!) But, I plan to sell the wreaths and not keep them.

The thrift store after Target netted this sweet vintage tablecloth. The colors are nice and bright. It has a few stains, but I can tell they are the "I can wash it out" type and not the "Crap, it's stained forever" type.

That thrift is one I rarely shop at due to the fact that nearly everything is $8.00. Seriously. A coat? $8.00. A statue? $8.00. You can't just willy nilly go in there and gather up five or ten $8.00 items! And, the "Antiques Corner" is a big No-No. A piece of matte white Haeger (plain square dish) caught my eye. $8.00 NO! So, finding this tablecloth was a great find. And especially when it was only $8.00. Ha ha. I jest. It was $2.00.

Yesterday we braved the frigid 26 degree temperatures to hit the Super Cheap Thrift. Only to find it CLOSED DUE TO COLD TEMPERATURES. Bunch of woosey old lady volunteers anyway. Kidding. I mean, they can close, that's fine. But, how about an Inclement Weather policy so we know the rules and don't drive out of our way next time? One side of the thrift is an area to go for groceries, bills and financial help, so I do hate it that it was closed a week before Christmas when I know people are needing assistance. I plan on going in the morning, but it is supposed to be COLD again. What to do, what to do?
Tomorrow I have a new blog to share with you that will make you all drop to your knees in Vintage Christmas Amazement. Seriously!


  1. Ooooooo I love your window..can't wait to see how it looks when it's done!

    Love all your shiny brites...and I guess thrift stores must be my binky too...cuz I gotta HAVE 'em!


  2. I love the christmas card story, too funny! LOVE the felt package! Thanks for the sweet note on my blog!

  3. I know which thrift is the '$8.00 thrift' and it infuriates me that they charge so much...but I like to go there for the freebies they put out front in the baskets and the discount days.


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