
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Vintage Christmas Heaven

I ran to the Super Cheap Thrift this morning. My only real fabulous, but worth the trip find was a long, long, long, strand of glass beads in a pale green. My first glass beads! And for only 35¢!They were a tangled mess, but I untangled them and proceeded to wear them for a couple of hours for fear of laying them down and having them retangle themselves. I felt rather festive. And a bit foolish.
I also found, in the kitchen section of all places, a bag full of metal fence pieces and some red wooden post looking things.
I thought I might be able to fashion it into a fence to put under my Feather trees, so I bought it for $1.00. I got it home and started trying to make something out of it, and discovered it really is a fence for Feather Trees!

I think anyway. It will work. There are enough pieces to make two sets.

(My photos are seriously sad in this post!)

A 35¢ melted popcorn "Merry Christmas". Not my kind of thing - but to be saved until next year and sold. It's actually kind of hard to read in person, but you can read it okay in the photo. Hmm.Two nice big handcrafted copper cookie cutters for 25¢ each. Just in time because the husband announced last night that it would be "nice" if I baked up 6 or 8 dozen coookies to take in to his work. Eh gads. Let me just whip those up honey.

Here is the blog I promised Welcome to Smirleyworld. You will absolutely not believe her vintage Christmas Collection. Actually, her vintage Stuff Collection. I am in awe.

Here is the post showing her Vintage Christmas collection. For those of us who think we have a lot of Christmas stuff. We do not. We are lightweight collectors. I am talking amazing amounts of the most fabulous cool old stuff. Wow. Wow. Wow.....

Get a cup of coffee or cocoa and take time to look at each and every picture. Be sure to click on each photo so you can drink it all in. Wow!


****A note to Robin & Melissa in Kansas who left a message on my Guestbook: You are sweet to think of me! I don't have a way to contact you, so feel free to email me at monkeybox at juno dot com. I'd love to visit with you.****


  1. 35 cents!!!! Woooowweeeee, awesome.

    And the fence is way too cool too.

  2. H.O.L.Y.C.R.A.P.
    That is all I have to say about that link you posted. I think looking at those photos made me just wet my pants. LOL That is unbelievable!

    Neato fence! I'd never have known what it was!

  3. Wowwee! Great fence. It'd be cute with wooden animals, or a creche, or even a village of vintage snowmen. Hope you win the holiday giveaway books!

  4. You have the golden touch! My dream is to thrift with you someday!

    And by the way, I love your ponk house from oh, 10 posts ago. :)


  5. You are so sweet to visit my blog and post a link on yours! I love to meet up in blogland with others who love vintage...yes, it's an addiction! Merry Christmas!


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