
Sunday, November 09, 2008

It's In The Air

When The Bean was little, he insisted glitter was in the air. Because whenever we we would go to Wal-Mart or Hobby Lobby or anywhere really, we would come home and have a speck of glitter on our faces. Since he didn't recall ever seeing vats of glitter when we were out, he insisted that it was just "in the air". He knows better now, but whenever we catch a glimmer of glitter on our faces we always say, "It's in the air."

Lately the glitter has been in the air around here. And on the floors and my shoes and pretty much everywhere. It all started when I brought home a plain cardboard house from Hobby Lobby. I decided to try and make my own paper house like the old ones from Japan. (Actually, it was intended as a gift. But as gifts often seem to do at my house - I'm keeping it.)

I painted it pink and white and then applied pink fairy dust and white glitter to it.

I added the sugared lights around the roofline and the door, the wreaths on the window and bottlebrush trees. I glittered the wreaths and trees to make it all have a snowy effect.

And, I know you aren't supposed to brag about things you make yourself, but I LOVE THIS HOUSE. Iis nestled amongst my turkeys, Pilgrims and Indians and sticks out like a sore thumb, but I don't care. I love it! If, I do say so,myself.


  1. It turned out adorable, I have been wanting to make one, just haven't got around to it yet!

  2. WOW now I have to look at the craft stores here for those! I have to make my own, I found 2 old ones this past weekend but this one is great!

  3. I can see why you love it so much--I do too! It's really fabulous--it honestly looks like something that would be very expensive at a fancy boutique. It's gorgeous! :)

  4. I would brag, lol. It's really great!

  5. You should brag about it, it's gorgeous!

  6. It's gorgeous! Before I read your post and saw the house I thought "Shara is so lucky! She finds the best vintage things!!" :) You did a great job!

  7. I made a bunch of these this weekend too...haven't taken pics yet tho!

    Tooo cute!


  8. Very cute!! It doesnt matter what it is next to, you want it to stand out! I bet you still find glitter on you face and clothes for months!At least you will sparkle at the right time of the year!

  9. Heck YA! I love it too!!
    GREAT job!!

  10. That is so cute. I have not been able to find any of those houses to decorate around where I live. I adore them too.

    You did a lovely job on yours. I don't blame you for keeping it. I would not part with it either!


  11. Myself says I love it, too! It's beautiful. Great job!


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