
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I TOLD you!

On the way to the grocery store today, my enabler husband offered to run me by the thrift. Okey dokey! I had high hopes that the Christmas items would be out and, they were! This is a thrift attached to a Rehabilitation Hospital and Hospice Care Hospital. Therefore, a lot of older people come live there and their families donate their belongings to this thrift. So, lots of vintage goodies come through the back doors. They also hold merchandise all year so when they put it out, they have a lot of goodies. Yippee! They were just starting to put it out, but I still found some goodies.

Well, okay, so this isn't Christmas or Vintage. But, it is cute! It's a Kurt Adler Nutcracker and it was in a Christmas box, so the ladies had just put it out. It was terribly cute and only $3.00. The Bean has a nutcracker collection that we put out at Christmas, so this is for his collection. Although it will be packed away until next Halloween and not displayed at Christmastime.

I nearly jumped over a table to grab this $2.00 composition faced Santa in his red velvet suit. I bought his twin last year at this very thrift. If I was a good friend/swapper/ebay seller, I would pass him along. But, I just do not think I can let him go.

He's a handsome Santa!

Two great old vintage tins for 25¢ each - one for each of the Vintage Christmas Swaps I am participating in this year. If you are swapping with me - look for a tin to be chock full of vintage glitter-y treasures!

And, just as predicted in the Estate Sale post below - I did find another lot of miniature vintage Shiny Brite ornaments. And this time for a mere $1.50 for ALL OF THEM!

I just love these tiny ornaments so much! I was feeling guilty about my $7.50 splurge the other day, but now that I have 11 boxes for a total of $9.00, I suppose that brings it to a more suitable amount that won't make me feel guilty. Maybe. And, I just betcha I find some more to even it out even more. *Crossing fingers*


I went to Oops yesterday. I have posted photos of Oops before and several of you have threatened promised to catch a flight here to join me on my next trip to Oops. It is a huge store - maybe one million square feet or so. Okay, not that big - but it is huge and stuffed to the gills with the most fabulous merchandise at the most fantastic prices. And, the good news for all you YOU is this....Oops is now online! Oops online has a ton of cool stuff - not nearly as much as they have in the stores, but the prices are the same, so that is good. Of course, there would be shipping charges, but their prices are great - so check it out!

A few photo for you to show the massiveness of Oops. See that near the ceiling? An actual airplane! And behind that, a life sized seashore village of shops.

Christmas trees galore in every size, shape, color (purple and pink to name a few) and style.

Oooooooo, Mumsie and The Bean see something they like! Above The Bean's head - a wreath the size of my living room. Well, not really - but it was 12 feet tall!

An actual log cabin on the back wall. There goes my Stepfather - headed off to rummage in the grocery department. A department I do not visit at Oops. He bought Mango Juice, Tamarind flavored Oatmeal and canned meat. See why I don't go there? I also do not visit the tool department or the silk flower department or the candle department. In fact, I only shop about 1/3 of the store and it still takes hours to see it all.

Actual Oops store. Oh the goodies in here are awesome! *Note The Bean at his beloved giant chair.
I so want to climb into this chair for a photo, but I know my feet wouldn't reach the edge and I fear I would never get out. I would hate to have to call the fire department to haul my ass out of the giant chair.
What did I buy with all those goodies calling my name? Practically nothing. I did buy some goodies for my swaps and some outgoing Happy Mail, but not much more. I did decide to break down and buy something that I have been eyeing for over a year. In fact, I blogged about it here. And, now that I re-read that post, I see that it was $41.25 this Spring. So, my procrastination saved $5.00.
I have been loving this pale robin's egg blue cabinet for a long time. Yesterday there was only one left. I decided to bite the bullet and fork out $36.00 for it. For me to decide to pay $36.00 for something, you must realize that is a deal. Very, very heavy, nice porcelain number markers, metal knobs...very cool indeed. As I drug the big heavy box to the check out lane, my Mom jumped ahead of me and bought it for me as an early Christmas gift. Shame on her and THANK YOU to her too!

I love it!

And her!

$5.00 less now than it was then. A bargain! Yeah, me!


  1. I can't imagine the 'on-line' version being nearly as much fun as digging through that HUGE store!!!

  2. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Cute cabinet! I'm such a cheapskate, too, that spending $36 seems like a life-or-death decision. And you've already brought down the average cost of a little box of Christmas balls, so I think you'd better buy even more. Barbara

  3. I LOVE the cabinet! I love the vintage Santa, I sooo wish we had better thrifts here:(

  4. Anonymous7:35 PM

    I love Opps. I was in there a couple of weeks ago when my mom and I came up for War Eagle. Cant wait till Thanksgiving to come back up there to see my husbands family, I am def going to be making another trip there to hopefully do a little Christmas shopping.

  5. OK, I already know I'm going to love love love my swap if it comes in that tin!

    I'm so excited to see everything.

    I've gotten a few things for you too but sorry, no hints to you. LOL

    You got some super great things at that thrift store and Oops looks so fun.


  6. that santa is amazing!


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