
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Winner and Some Junk

First matter of business: The Beanerator drew the winner for my giveaway and the winner is......Wendy! Congratulations! Drop me an email with your address and I will have a box of goodies on it's way to you ASAP. Thanks to everyone for commenting!
Friday I hit a couple yard sales. Not much out there right now, but I found a few goodies to make me happy.
This wicker tray is really not my type of thing, but I loved those gianormous corn handles. They are huge heavy pewter corn on the cob which I think must really be drawer handles. ('Scuse the nosey cat).
I took the handles off and redonated the tray already. Not sure what I will do with two big pewter ears of corn, but when I think of an idea, I've got them!
I found all three of these items at the thrift. They were scattered about the store, but I think they must have come from the same donor. Left to right - decorative a noisemaker, big package of old chopsticks priced 29¢ originally and a very old Asian doll. I paid $2.00 for all three items.
Wow, what a crappy photo. Oh, well. I was happy to find this cool old Dymo Labelmaker for $1.00. I was happy to open the box and find five big rolls of label tape inside the box as an added bonus.

I've done a little Junkreating lately. I bought a rather blah old corkboard last week at the Super Cheap Thrift for 25¢. I painted it white, sanded it a bit, added the vintage feedsack material, matching pink rickrack and a few old buttons. This will go in my Office to hold photos and notes. I think it turned out sweet.

When we had the A/C replaced, they put in all new duct work in the centers of the room which left the exiting vents above the doors useless. We need to have sheet rock put over them someday, but until then, I am finding decorative ideas to cover the holes. This is a piece of old door that I salvaged years ago - it has the chippiest red paint on it. I attached the old 1966 Kansas license plate (I was born in KS in 66) to it and hung it over the vent hole. This is in the bathroom which is covered in old tin signs, so it fits right in. I like it.

The Bean and I are reading about Anne Frank and we are pretty wrapped up in it reading it all day. We read the Biography and watched the moive last week, now we are starting the actual Diary. I know we should have watched the movie last, but it came in at the library first. Plus The Bean liked it and it peeked his interest so he is ready to read the Diary. We read the play version when I was in 7th grade and I read the part of Anne. I really got wrapped up in it then too. If you haven't read it lately - I recommend it!


  1. Hey, how's your weather? I know you were supposed to get buckets of rain and crazy wind, and isn't the front of your house still torn off? I've been thinking of you!

  2. Good morning...that wicker tray is really unique! Love all your awesome finds!

    Have a great week!

  3. I love the corn handles on the tray! When you do come up with a way to use them, please post a picture.
    Did you get much rain? We were supposed to get 10". We got about 1 1/2" and then lots of sun.

  4. Shara! you were on CakeWrecks!!!! AWESOME. I still read every post, I'm just lame about commenting. And I swear I am sending that box of Christmas stuff before this Christmas!


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