
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Over 100,000 Served

I missed a monumental moment on the old bloggity blog that I had been watching and anticipating for weeks and weeks. I had been watching my Visitor Counter rise over the past year and sometime this week, I surpassed 100,000 visitors. I have it set for unique visitors, so once you visit one time, you aren't counted again. I know that I have loyal faithful guests that visit every day, but I also know that a lot of those visitors have just clicked right on by and not read a word of monkeybox. (Poor souls don't know the junk they are missing. ha.)

Today I looked and I had 100,428 visitors as of right that very second. That's a lot of folks stopping by, even if they didn't stick around or come back for seconds. I always dreamed of writing for a newspaper or writing a book, but my life didn't seem to go that way. Yet, anyway. So, knowing that 100,428 people stopped by my blog, even for a milisecond and read a word or two, is just mind boggling to me. Mind boggling!

So, in honor of this monumental moment in my blogworld....a GIVEAWAY. Yea, me! Yea, you! Leave a comment on this post and I will draw a winner and bestow upon them a big old box chock full of goodies! I have a lot of paper items, scrapbooking items, stickers, paper, cards and such for Christmas crafting that I will add to the box plus special goodies chosen just for the WINNER. Drawing to be held Sunday night at 9:00 pm Central Time. So, SIGN UP NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I love your blog! Yours is one of the few that I am sure to check everyday. I LOVE LOVE LOVE yard sales! (my mom got me hooked young and I am passing along the tradition to my 5 littles ones-who are also homeschooled) =) Thanks for sharing all your thrifty finds!

  2. I also love your blog!! Congrats on over 100,000 visits!! I love reading about your finds at yard's so inspiring!!

  3. I'm also a daily reader of your blog...congrats on passing 100,000 visitors! Enjoy reading about your yard sale finds...we have quite a few "collections" in common, and I have a friend who's homeschooling her 13 yr old daughter, so your blog has much inspiration! On to 200,000!! *elaine*

  4. Hmph... and I was excited that I am '60' away from 2,000. I bow to you - and your WONDERFUL Blog! Kudos on a 'job' well done, and 'visitors' well earned!!!

  5. I was searching for something about my Redman picnic basket when my search brought me here. I'm so glad it did! I enjoy your blog so much that I went back to the beginning and read EVERY SINGLE ENTRY! Congratulations on your over 100,000! You can count on me to be a faithful reader.

  6. That's a lot of visitors! I can't even imagine. I think if I had a site counter it would just depress me. I'll just be impressed with yours instead. I love reading about all your wonderful finds and knowing that there is at least one other person out there who is as cheap as me!

  7. 100,000 visitors that's AWESOME!!!!!!! I love stopping by and reading about your day.

  8. Congrats, what a milestone--now you can go for a million! ;o)

  9. I think it is funny that on my blog I have people from different countries that come to my blog for a post about strange. My mom thinks pancakes mean something different in a foreign language.....tee heee. Congrats on your traffic.

  10. I love your blog! I read it everyday and think of your family when I see or hear things that relate to your little corner of the world somehow. Keep up the good work thrifting and raising the Bean.

  11. Hey, Cuz! Congrats on surpassing 100,000 visitors! I love that I can keep up with you, The Bean & Breadman thru this blog. I love to hear about the store deals you find (i.e. - CVS, Wags & Target). I 've just recently starting CVS'ing. Love it!


  12. That *is* a lot of visitors. I always love the junk you show, and enjoy your blog.

    ~ Jennifer

  13. I love your blog...and check it every day! Congrats on over 100,000 visits - that's so exciting!!!


  14. Love a giveaway!! I am hosting one today as well, it is my 1 year of blogging anniversary:)

  15. PS. Congrats on getting so many visitors!!! Where did you get your counter?

  16. Congratulations!!!
    Quite an accomplishment!!
    Diane at Crafty Passions

  17. Oh ya baby! Count me in!!

    I LOVE your blog! You are such a creative, fun writer. As much as I can't wait to see all your awesome deals, I am most impressed and entertained by the WAY you write the stories that tell us about your life and about those deals!
    You got talent girl!

  18. OH boy congratulations! I do love your giveaways but I love this blog more than anything! I read you daily and feel that through our few packages, we have become "blog friends".

  19. Wow, that is a lot of visitors! Congratulations! :)

  20. Yep, count me in with the "everyday monkeybox blog checker inners".

    Since I will never have 100,000 visitors to my blog, I will have to equate the excitment to when my car turned 100,000 miles.

    WOOT for Monkeybox!!

  21. Wow, Im lucky if I get 5 in a week!! Congrats on being so popular, I read you blog often, and feel like Im on the hunt with you,lots of fun! Would love to win your give away, but Im in Australia, bit far away!

  22. Anonymous4:17 PM

    i love your blog. you find the best beloved crap on the planet!

  23. Okay - sign me up! I love reading blogs like yours. Wow - over 100,000!!! I can't even begin to imagine having that many readers! Huge congratulations are the order of the day for you!

  24. Holy cow, that is a lot of readers! Congrats on the milestone, that is awesome.

    I wonder what the number would be if you counted each return visit as well!

  25. Anonymous10:26 AM

    WOW congrats, that is a lot of ppl! I just found your blog today thru YSQ. I plan on coming back.

  26. Just found your blog and LoVe the title!! and the story that goes with it! Whatever happened to the monkey? I'll ve back...!!!


I love my comments. I'd love to respond to everyone, but if you don't have an email address tied to your ID, please sign your name so I will know who you are! It makes it nice to know who is saying what. Now, leave a comment! Please? ;o)