
Tuesday, June 03, 2008

The Bean's a Teen (Not Quite)

Last night, we had just returned home from going out to eat. I saw two teenage girls in swimsuit tops and shorts walking down the sidewalk. As they got closer, they saw The Bean and came running towards him. They literally jumped on him saying his name over and over while they hugged him. It was two girls from his class from earlier this year. He hadn't seen them since September, and they were obviously happy to see him. That made me happy too.
Until. They left.
That's when I noticed he had two big wet round circles on his chest from their wet swimsuit tops. And the, er, newly acquired body parts inside the swimsuit tops. Boobs!
Oh, Lord.
I am so not ready for this.


  1. Oh Shara, your post made me laugh! You are so in for the ride of your life so fasten your seat belt and just sit back and let it happen! LOL! I'm sure Bean LOVED the attention, not to mention the wet swimsuit top stains on his shirt! LOL! Oh, this just brings back memories of about 13 years ago when my son was just entering the exciting years of teen-dom! LOL! Have fun darlin'!


  2. Boobs are very inimidating...I can imagine this will be quite an adventure...I'm sure you will make it through it with flying colors!

  3. LOL! That about made me pee my pants. You'll do just fine dealing with puberty. You've got a good guy there. :)


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