
Tuesday, May 06, 2008

It's No Walk In The Park

Well, maybe it was a walk in the park. We went to the Park last week. I took over 200 photos, but will only share a few with you. The park is beautiful this time of the year. Lots of gorgeous flowers.

Look at that tulip in the center - half orange and half yellow. Absolutely perfect!

Wonderful handcrafted bridge over the goldfish pond.

DH and The Bean in the castle. This castle was made by local artists. You could spend hours there looking at all the details. Everywhere you look there is a pottery head, a shard of ceramic, a blown glass ball sunk in the cement, something to feast your eyes on. It is such a cool place to hang out.

Fountain in the goldfish pond.

More pretty yellow tulips. My wish is for a million tulips and daffodils in my yard someday.
The Bean and some Mystery Woman. I've never seen many photos of her as she is customarily the Photographer.
More tulips. This purple one was absolutely huge.

A Peeking Bean. This is a neat window made into a rock turrent. I just love this place! (and The Bean!)
The Bean on the Bridge.
This is actually at the Confederate Cemetary where we went after the Park. That tree is over 200 years old.
That night we had a beautiful sunset.
We had a very good day that day.


  1. That does look like a perfect day. Well maybe a perfect picnic without any unwanted ants would make it completely perfect but I think it was close enough. I love the bridge over the goldfish pond and the castly. our parks are lucky if they have trees! They're trying to get a statue of Frank Zappa put up here so maybe that will go in a park...

  2. Great photos. Beautiful family, beautiful park. Looks so nice there. What a nice post to read!

  3. NICE. Very Nice.
    The purple tulip photo looks like it could be a 'paint by number' the way the colors and the lines are so pronounced!

  4. BEAUTIFUL pics! Thanks for sharing.

    Love those tulips, especially the huge purple one.

    You can really tell who The Bean gets his looks from...Momma Bean!

    Nice pics!


  5. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Great pictures!! You have the sweetest face so I can see how you manage to get such good deals on your "treasures". Love your blog, I read it every day. Hope you have another special day soon. HTH Janet

  6. Funny how the Bean looks just like the mystery woman. ;) What a great day! I would love to see that castle, it looks so cool! We have a great park near us and you've inspired me to go for a walk.


  7. How pretty! I think Maren would have a ball there!

  8. lovely pics, the flowers are beautiful!! What a hottie the mystery woman is, I think that is the first time we have seen her ;) Your son is really having a lot of adventures with his teacher!!

  9. I absolutely love your photos! You take beautiful pictures of the flowers and the sunset and The Bean! I am glad that you are in a picture, it is fun to see a picture of you and you are a pretty gal.

  10. I love this castle at Wilson Park. My daughter actually broke her wrist on it a number of years ago, but that doesn't change how much I love it is something that fits in so well in that community!


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