
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Mother Nature

I'm sure everyone remembers my glider and chair that I bought last Summer. Much to the chargrin of the old hubby, I painted it a nice Pepto Bismol Pink. I put it strategically in the back yard near a small dwarf tree and there it has sat through Fall and Winter. But now Spring is here and gues what sweet Mother Nature did for me???

She put pink flowers on the Peach Tree behind the glider. I had totally forgotten that pink flowers would bloom all over the tree in the Spring.

Aren't they divine?

Thank you Mother Nature!


  1. How absolutely perfect!!!


  2. Ditto what Jan said, it looks perfect!

  3. Pretty!!!!!! It matches!!!

  4. It's lovely! What a great place to relax and read a book and sip some lemonade. Now I'm even more anxious for Spring!

  5. It's beautiful! It looks so relaxing!

  6. Ooh, it's SO pretty! You couldn't have planned it better. :)

  7. I think the whole spot looks gorgeous! Are they blush and bashful? LOL! Couldn't resist after the pepto bismol comment!


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