
Sunday, January 13, 2008

Floral Delivery for YOU from ME

Do you have a Lowe's near your house or work? Would you like a FREE houseplant?

Here's a quick and easy deal for you to do.

Go here and register. It's a website that offers gardening tips and looks quite useful. After you register they offer you a $10.00 off any houseplant at Lowe's coupon. Just print it out and take it to any Lowe's. It goes right through, now beeping or questions asked. In fact, the checker said, "Ooooooo, I'm going to print one of those off too!"

DH got this lovely Peace Lily.

I got this nice "Pole Plant".

Each plant was $8.97, but the coupon took $10.00 off. DH found some masonary bits marked down from $12.97 to $2.47, so he only paid $1.47 for his entire purchase. I bought two really nice barnwood looking frames that were $9.99 each, on sale at 50% off and a quart of exterior gloss white paint that was $11.97 marked down to 60¢ (Can you believe that?). In the end, I paid $10.40 for two frames, the quart of paint and the houseplant. That would have been $42.00 regularly.

*Disclaimer - when I signed up earlier in the week, it did not say "LIMIT ONE PER HOUSEHOLD" on the coupon like it does now. I wouldn't have registered DH and I both if it would have said that in the beginning.

Sadly, DH's Aunt passed away last night. She was a sweet little gal. She and her husband were married nearly 60 years. He died nearly one year ago to the day. So, we find ourselves going to a funeral this week at some point. The Peace Lily will go to the family at the funeral. I couldn't have afforded a Florist plant right now, so I was very fortunate to have this coupon printed and ready to be used.

Hopefully your houseplant will stay with you and bring you happiness throught this winter dreariness.


  1. Shara... Sorry to hear of your loss. I will be thinking of you and your family this week.

    Thanks for the heads-up on the plant!


  2. I'm sorry as well to hear about DH Aunt :(

    I have to tell ya, you are the bargain queen!! Thanks for the Lowe's tip...I'm going to look and see if they have any soldering stuff that I need to get going on some projects.

  3. Sorry about your family's loss.

    Thanks for the info about the houseplant coupon. The website will come in handy too, since I'm in the process of planning a vegetable garden. I need all the help I can get!

  4. Wow, thanks for the Lowe's coupon tip!
    I am off to Lowe's!
    You rock!

  5. Rec'd my 'floral delivery from you' today... a LOVELY Zebra plant ($9.97) - transaction went smoothly - exactly as you said!! THANKS again 8-)

  6. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Just found your rock! and thanks for the gardening link...

    so sorry about your aunt...


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