
Wednesday, January 09, 2008

College Stoodents Iz Stoopid

Are you familiar with Chick-fil-A resturants? Their advertising features cows with very bad spelling and vocabulary. We are big fans of Chick-fil-A ans the only one near us is across town in the snooty area where the fancy Mom's gow ith their preschool children and sit round and talk about holidays spent in the Bahamas. So, I don't go over there very often. Since we've lived in our little town, every tiime they bread ground for a new business, house or parking lot, we all say our prayers that it will be a Chick-fil-A. We hadn't had much luck until one day there tore down a perfectly good car wash about two miles up the street and then they hung a glorious sign up saying, "Future home of a new Chick-fil-A." Yeeee-ha!

So, they've been building it and we've been watching them build it. And, tomorrow, January 10th is THE BIG DAY. Grand opening. We won't go near the place for at least a week until the big ta-do tames a bit. Chick-fil-A has a promotion when a new store opens. First 100 people in line get a Free Combo once a week for a YEAR. That is about a $275.00 value. I figured people would line up about 4:00 am. Wrong.

This is the scene at noon today. 36 hours before Grand Opening.
At least 50 tents set up all around the new resturant and in the new landscaping. Ice chests and sleeping bags strewn about. This is on the corner that leads into campus at the UA. School doesn't start until Monday, so I guess they are looking for some free entertainemnt and some free food.
They were training inside and I saw them come out with giant trays of free food for all the people waiting, plus they had giant cofffee makers set up for them. What a great company to take care of their customers! But, I would not be out in the 25 degree weather in a tent in a parking lot for free food. And, I, my friend, am the Queen of Free.


  1. Now that's just nuts!!! : ) I've never been to a Chick-fil-a, but I've seen their signs when driving in other parts of the country! No fast food is worth freezing my nunnies off for! *lol*

  2. Anonymous2:40 PM

    That is so crazy!! Trust college students to do that, LOL!!

    I have a Chick-Fil-A five minutes from my house and go to it often. I bought one of those coupon cards from a kid for $10, proceeds went to her elementary school. One of the deals on the card is a free Chick-Fil-A sandwich with every combo purchased!!! If I buy 2 combos, I get 2 free sandwiches. I have paid for that card several times over already, just by using it at Chick-Fil-A (there are other restaurants on there too).

    Yay that you finally have one near you!

  3. Anonymous2:42 PM

    I tried to fix this on my above post but hit enter too soon - I am shabbycottage on the YSQ boards and know you from there. Love your blog!

  4. How funny, I have seen people lining up like that for all sorts of things. But never for a fast food place! Although Chick-fil-a is pretty good.

  5. Anonymous7:05 PM

    I am also the Queen of Free and Deals but I do have my limits...and sitting outside for 2 days in below freezing weather is too much for me. I'd rather spend my time looking for deals.


  6. When our Chick opened, they gave out freebie coupons at every event in town. I don't think I paid for a sandwich or breakfast for a yr.

    Be on the lookout for the "cows" around town to pick up coupons.

  7. Hi Shara,
    I just wanted to share with you that I started my own blog, finally. Please come by for a visit.
    Le Anne
    yardsale princess

  8. Shara,
    Thanks for visiting my blog. By the way, where did you find the cute picture that you use for your blog title. I want to "decorate" my blog and am having trouble figuring out how. I like your picture and want to find something like it.
    Yard Sale Princess

  9. Anonymous10:50 AM

    we ate at our first Chick-Fil-A last year and really enjoyed it...strangely our teens hated it...
    it is a drive for us so probably won't go often....
    don't think I would sleep in a tent in cold weather for a chicken sandwich...brrrrr


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