
Saturday, May 05, 2007

Why Men Shouldn't Be Allowed To Leave The House

Yesterday as I stepped into Hobby Lobby - this was the first thing I saw. A husband dead to the world asleep on a 30% off leather chair right in the very front of the store. This is also a very good reason to never leave the house wihtout your camera. DS thought I couldn't get a photo without getting caught, but, ha ha, I got a good one!
After our bargain hunting trip to Hobby Lobby, we stopped in at Kohl's. I've never been to Kohl's, but a friend of mine gave me a $20.00 merchandise credit that was going to expire yesterday. Hey, that's a free $20.00! I was going to just grab something for the gift closet, but then I spotted this clock, thermometer thingamabob. We've been needing an outdoor clock for awhile. This is a copper one and it is 18" tall and very nice. It was priced $69.99, but all summer items were 55% off. So, after discounts and my merchandise credit - I only paid $11.39 for it. My Mom looked through the purses and found a really nice leather bag for $3.60. It was 90% off from $36.20. A heck of a deal. Ds even found a Gameboy DS game for $11.00. I may have to hit Kohl's again - if only for the Clearance!

Yes, I know, Easter was a month ago. But, I am a fun and frugal Mom so when I found this Gingerbread Easter House Kit last week for a mere $1.00, I had to buy it. DS had fun building it and decorating it. But, he had the most fun smashing the h-e-double hockey sticks out of it with a hammer. Sadly, it tasted gross and it went in the trash. But, he had fun making it!


  1. I am SHOCKED that you have never been to Kohl's. I shop there frequently, but ONLY hit the clearance racks. I have found ds's shirts for $1 on a red tag clearance. I have found "delicates" for as little as 97¢.
    I can get NEW clothes at Kohl's,cheaper than used at GW.

    DS needed a new blanket for his bed and they had "coverlets" on SALE for $15.99, but it rang up at $31.99. I was using a $10 coupon, but it was still more than I wanted to spend(cheapskate). The lady said they had a NO HASSLE policy and re-rang it for $15.99, so I ended up paying $5.99. I LIKE THAT POLICY!!!

    You will now be addicted to Kohl's, can you handle it?

  2. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Unfortunately, I live near a Kohl's and love to go there. They constantly have great sales, so I don't ever buy anything that isn't on sale.

    Love the sleeping hubby. At least his wife is getting to shop in peace and quiet.



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