
Thursday, May 03, 2007

My Blog Friend, Helen

I have a very nice lady named Helen that reads my blog. She is 85 years old and has ben married to her now 90 year old husband for 65 years. She loves thrift stores and yard sales, but doesn't do much of either since she is on a walker now. She and her husband do volunteer at a local soup kitchen and a local food bank in Pennsylvania. They have given their lives to help others. And, now they need help. They lost everything they own in a tragic
fire. I cannot imagine losing everything. The last I knew, her grand daughter and small great grandchild were living with them. So, thank goodness everyone got out okay.

She sounds like a fun lady that is right up our alley - yard sales, thrift stores, coupons and deals in general! I was shocked when she told me that she was 85! I have an address for them if anyone would like to send them a card of encouragement. I feel so bad for them!!!

I'm thinking of you Helen!


  1. Drop me an email, I'd love to send them a card. Fire is so awful, the same thing happened to my Aunt a few years ago. Thank gooodness everyone is okay!

  2. Oh my goodness...this is so tragic for them, but thank the Lord, no one is hurt. Loosing everything that you've built over an entire lifetime, is just devasting.

    You can email me at johl3 at with their address and I will send something their way. I had an amazing amount of support when tragedgy struck my life last summer...and I would love an opportunity to help out someone else that so desperately needs it.



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