
Monday, May 21, 2007

And the Junk Partners Are...

*Edited from first post - new arrival to even out the swappers. Link to Flat Rate Boxes added too.

Okay, Ladies, here we go. Ready to Junk? All the names were written on slips of paper and drawn two by two by a sleepy eyed 11 year old boy this morning.

And the partners are:

Anne and Grace

Sue (Sveltestuff at YSQ) No Blog and Heidi S.

Jodi R. and Breanna

Raesha and Shara

Lucy and Merrill

Heidi G. and Andy.

Please contact your partner and check out their blogs if you don't already do so. Get your junk rounded up and load up that box. I cleaned out my kitchen gadget drawer, junk drawer, scrapbooking supplies, stickers, ebay stash, boxlot cast-offs, swap leftovers, freebie samples, jewelry box, craft supplies and linen closet to gather up all the junk that I didn't want but is still really good STUFF!

The reason I chose the Flat Rate Priority Boxes is that you can cram a lot of junk in each box and not worry about the weight of the box. If you decide that your box isn't very heavy and you prefer to send it in a regular box, that is okay. You can work that out with your partner. If your junk won't fit in a Flat Rate box, use a different box - just let your partner know what you are doing, please.

Here are the Flat Rate Boxes so you can see them. There are two sizes available - one is a fat square box to hold litle items: 11" X 8.5" X 5.5" and one is more of a flat rectangular box for papers and items: 11-7/8" x 3-3/8" x 13-5/8". You can cram a LOT into these boxes. Trust me. ;o)

You have a week to find your junk. Mail boxes on Tuesday, May 29th after the Holiday Weekend. If you need to mail it early, before you leave town or something, let your partner know that too. Really, whatever you decide to do is fine by me, just work it out with your partner. Please email me at monkeybox at juno dot com when you mail it.

Once you get your junk - find something fun, something you love, something you haven't a clue what is or something else, and share it with everyone on your blog. Now, get Junkin'! And have fun!


  1. A day late! So sad. Maybe I can get in next time. I do love junk. And have lots of good junk. Let me know if you want me to round out the teams.

  2. Oh yeah! I'm so excited to be your partner. I plan on cleaning stuff out this week and finding lots of fabulous goodies that are currently unloved by my and just waiting for your love:) can you email me your address? raeshadrz at yahoo dot com
    I'm going to use one of the large flat rate priority boxes. Thanks!!!

  3. I can't seem to get the link to work to my partner. Grace, if you see this, email me at dawilson2002 @ yahoo . com. I am looking forward to this swap. Lord knows I have plenty of junk that needs a loving home.


I love my comments. I'd love to respond to everyone, but if you don't have an email address tied to your ID, please sign your name so I will know who you are! It makes it nice to know who is saying what. Now, leave a comment! Please? ;o)