
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

By Crikey, My Swap Package is HERE!

Just when I thought I couldn't handle ONE more thing - DS is sick. Bronchitis again, it seems. The pollen is everywhere again since our first Spring got froze out we are starting over again. So, it's really no wonder he is sick. So, we will be going to the doctor today which changes plans - no helping at the Special Olympics tomorrow. I was looking forward to helping out - but ya gotta be a MOM to your own kid before you can worry about other kids.

I participated in a Vintage Cookery Swap over at Pine Trees a month or so ago. My partner was Lee-Ann in Australia. She sent me a very fun package of interesting and unique items. She is lucky enough to work in an "Op Shop" which seems to be a thrift store "down under". Check out her blog - she has wonderful collections. Her collection of biscuit cutters (cookie cutters) is to die for.....

Everything came so sweetly wrapped in Spring Colors. The magazine is from the 1950's and cost 9¢.

Among other goodies I received a sweet card, a cookbook from Australia, a tin that once held Aussie candies, a package of "Preserve Paper" from the 1940's to keep your preserves "fresh and insect free", a fun old glass jar with a tin lid that once held Stove Polish, a lovely little green creamer, a hand carved wooden spoon complete with a burn mark where someone left it in the pot too long, a box of "Campbell's Laundry Bar Soap" and two embroidered napkins with napkin rings.

This larger hot pad has a pocket that holds three other coordinating pot holders. These are a WIP (work in progress) as someone hasn't quite finished the embroidery work yet. I might finish it - Lee-Ann inculded the floss to do so. ;o)

This isn't the best picture. I was trying to show that the cut crystal glass Salt Shaker has one large funnel shaped hole instead of several small holes like I am accustomed to seeing. I suppose that is due to the humidity in Australia. I just never thought about the salt shaker looking different! I love the little silver spoon - I think it might be a sugar spoon, but I'm not sure. It's shaped like a little shovel. The S&P lids and the spoon have the same silver hallmarks.

This little doiley is crocheted in the tiniest stitches. Lee-Ann says this was a popular craft project iin the 1940's-50's. Back then, milk came in glass open topped bottles. You placed the doiley over the open top of the milk jug while it was at the table to keep flies and insects out of the milk. There are tiny glass beads at the edges to weigh it down. Isn't that interesting???? (BTW, "doiley" isn't in spellcheck - so I'm not sure how to spell it!)

I adore this sweet tablecloth. I seem to be hoarding a great deal of vintage tablecloths. I need to find a use for them. I am scared to "use" them for fear I will stain them up. But, they aren't doing me much good in a Rubbermaid tub, now are they?

This is a sweet embroidered apron. (Sorry I failed to flip the photo around.) Notice that the apron matches the tablecloth perfectly!

Thanks Lee-Ann, I loved everything!


  1. What a neat swap package! I love that little silver shovel-spoon, whatever it's for. Cute!

    Poor DS--he hasn't been able to catch a break, huh?

  2. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Oh, nice swap...The glass container looks more like a sugar container to me with the large hole/spout. Like the ones you sometimes see in cafes.
    I've enjoyed your blog very much and all your finds!

  3. Shara hi! <^..^>

    So pleased your parcel arrived and you like the vintage kitchen pieces I found just for you!

    the little square spoon is for Jam or I think you call it jelly and yes the salt and pepper shakers are different then yours but you know I never thought about that until I read this post of yours only the old ones are like this, now the modern ones are made for your market and come here too.

    Doiley! yes that is how you spell it and I am so pleased you liked the milk jug cover, I have several and use them too!

    It was such a lot of fun collecting australian pieces for you and I hope that we can continue to "chat" as bloggers for a long time to come.

    Hope your son is better now


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