
Thursday, April 26, 2007

Pink & Green Swap Is In

Ah, the Mail Gods have been smiling down on my this week. Yesterday I arrived home from the doctor's with DH and DS (Bronchitis has reared it's ugly head once again)to find a hefty box of goodies on my doorstep. This was the Pink & Green Spring Fling Swap hosted by Rebecca and Lucy at Sweet Goodness Swaps. For anyone that wasn't included in this swap - here are the details. One item handmade, one item thrifted, all items pink and green and one item to stand for the letters "S-P-R-I-N-G". Got that?

My swap partner was Be sure to look at the pictures of her craft room. Wouldn't we all like want one of those?????

A lovely box chock full of swappin' goodies.

I got lots of fun goodies including a huge stack of vintage 1950's crafting booklets. There is even one with directions for making furniture out of egg crates. Okay..... They will be fun to peruse down the line. I got a pedicure set, bath salts, scrubbies, rubber stamps, Jolee's flower stickers, a luggage tag, wooden letters, a notepad, little paper sacks, a storge bin, a metal pail and a CD box. Everything was all packaged up and wrapped with lots of pretty pink and green ribbons. The pink and black woven ribbon pillow is the thrifted item.

S-String tags for a next yard Sale (I needed these!)
P-Pink Trowel
I-A wooden letter "I".
G-Green Frame

I love these little strawberry boxes. Oh, what to put in them.....

Here is the handmade item - some of Jen's fancy handmade cards complete with a folder to put them in. So perfectly made. Thanks, Jen!

Here's what I sent her:

Pink and Green Shoes, of course.

Not sure if this will fit - Size 8 Liz Claiborne - but check out the serious Pink and Green Spring Theme. And it was thrifted and it was only a mere $1.00. It just had to be included!

I love this sweet little pink retro lawnchair. It is a photo frame, but I have one and I made a little cushion for it to just sit out as a chair. I have a collection of little chairs. (Collection Number 1,001). This is from the Dollar Tree - Shhhhh.

I had a comment from Lee-Ann on my Cookery Swap post - the little shovel spoon is for Jam and the salt shaker is a salt shaker - but is an old salt shaker - the new ones look like ours. And the best news - I spelled doiley correctly!


  1. Oh my goodness you girls made awesome partners, so much creativity and fun packages for both of you!!!! Love the hand made cards and folder, very nice~! I had Jen for my partner in the pink and brown swap and had a lot of fun with her goodies she sent...and your right, her craft room is to die for!!!

    Great dress you found, if it doesn't fit, it would make cute pillows!!

    So glad you had a fun mail day!!

  2. WOW! What an AMAZING, inspiring swap!
    Love it all! Darling stuff!
    Man, you sure find some awesome thrifty finds!
    Love seeing all your treasures!


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