
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Timing Is Everything

Yesterday the A/C guy returned once more to see why the heck our unit keeps shutting off. He investigated it a bit, then left to consult a specialist. He said he would return after lunch. While he ws gone, the plumber came to clean out the line behind our washer. Forty five minutes and $153.00 later he was gone. Cue the A/C guy who returns and announces, not five minutes after the plumber has left that I need to call PLUMBER to replace a valve in the unit. OMG! I could have paid the other guy more $ and had it DONE. So, I have a call into a different plumber that is more local and he is to be here on Thursday about 11:00. I just want all these strange men to GO AWAY and leave me alone. It's 50 degrees outside to, the A/C is not the issue - it's just getting it fixed. And, it is to be 28 on Firday morning and we have no heat right now either.

On a happy note, my vintage magic items ended at $173.00 on Monday night. I only paid $2.00 for them, so that is a nice return. I have had some god sales on ebay this month and am happy about it. And, based on the first paragraph - I need the $$$!

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