
Thursday, October 12, 2006

Happy Fall Ya'll!

Fall has officially arrived today. Maybe even winter. It was 42 degrees this morning and it was even sleeting for awhile. And here I am, with the A/C guy coming again today. The trees are turning and it is starting to get really pretty. It is time to buy a punkin and some haybales and get the scarecrow out of the storage building. This is my little vingette that I made in the front yard last year. We buy hay, cornshucks and a pumpkin or two. Actually, most of my pumpkins are made of rubber, but you can't tell the diference. I found several of them on clearance at Target for 90% off a few years ago. The old birdhouses and watercan are yard sale purchases. We go scrounging for pinecones, hedgeapples and grapevine to ad to the decor. I always go into the woods amd look for grapevine and make my own grapevine wreaths on the spot. I was on a dirt road doing this once and three different carloads of people stopped to asked me what I was doing and would I teach them to do it too. I just assummed that everyone knew how to make their own wreaths!

1 comment:

  1. That's darling, Shara! And I'm way impressed you make your own grapevine wreaths. I think I probably would have stopped and asked you to teach me too!


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