
Sunday, September 10, 2006

A Beautiful Day

Saturday was such a beautiful day outside. DH has taken on the very selfish habit of attending all at-home college football games, so DS and I are left to our own accord. Since there are 70,000 people in town, we can't go into town so we looked for a new destination. We went to my favorite cheap thrift and picked up a few goodies, then went outside town and headed in a new direction down a road we had never ventured. About 30 miles later I had really lost my footings and wasn't sure which direction we were headed. I am proud to say that I actually used the compass in the rear view mirror and figured out the correct direction to go home. East! As we continued to drive, I told DS that I wasn't certain, but I thought we might be nearing a lake. As soon as I said that, a truck pulling a boat came over the crest. We ended up going to the lake, walking around and having a nice time.

There were people in the water on air mattress and kids catching minnows, but that all cane to an abrupt end when someone noticed a few water moccasins in the water. I saw a woman jump off her air mattress and I swear she walked on water getting out of there. DS climbed these steps that seemed to lead nowhere so I could take his picture. After I took it, I climbed up and WOW- the lake was right there and plumeted down about 20 feet. I wouldn't have let him climb up there if I knew that in the first place!

We drove around to the other side of the lake to the top of a mountain and found these fun little cabins that you can rent for $70.00 a night. As you can see - they are small and DS barely is tall enough to fit through the door. I'd love to rent on on a crisp fall night and go on a nature walk in the woods. I am NOT a Nature Girl- but this looked fun.

There's another home game in a few weeks - I think we'll head South that weekend!

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