
Saturday, April 01, 2006

Random Acts of Kindness

If you read Yardsalequeen, you've already read part of htis - but I wanted to post it here too)

I have done two RAOK in the past two days. Both times, the recipient has been taken aback when I first offered. Then they have offered me money for the items I am trying to give them. When they finally understood that I was GIVING it to them, they were very thankful and gracious.

Yesterday at Lowe's I had a $10.00 off a $50.00 purchase coupon to use. I only spent $22.00, so I asked the guy behind me in line if he could use it. He offered me $5.00 for the coupon. I said, "I can't use it, I just want someone to use it. Please take it." Then he responded, "Bless you" which made me feel good.

Tonight we ordered pizza. When I opened it at home (I usually check it, but didn't tonight - lesson learned) it had beef on it. We are vegetarians, so it was no good here. We called them and they replaced it. So, I took the meaty one next door and offered to the family with three kids. He asked me what I wanted for it. "I am going to throw it away if you don't take it. It's still hot. Please just take it." "Oh well, thank you I appreciate it," he said.

So, I am doiing or receiving a Random Act of Kindness really such a rare thing that people don't even understand what you are doing?????

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