
Thursday, March 30, 2006

My Deals This Week

I went to a thrift store on Wednesday. I got there about 30 minutes before they really open, but you can go on in if the "OPEN" sign is up. As I walked past three big racks of nice suits and dreses the lady working there leaned over and told me I could get anything on the racks for 3/$1.00. So, I looked through them. The first item I picked up had a price tag on it from some swanky boutique for $109.00. I also got a two piece suede jacket and skirt combo and a three piece pinstriped ladies suit. I got three other items too, but I haven't taken them out of the car yet to remember what they are! So, I got six outfits for $2.00. These will all be for resell. DH actuall foudns oemthing cool while he was wandering around. He found these huge wooden clothespins that you hang on the wall. I think they are for holding a notepad. But, I plan on using them to hold a curtain near the laundry area. I also got my son a brand new Pokemon Monopoly Collector's Edition Board game for $2.00.

Went shopping at Wal-Mart and found some good deals on the Clearance aisle. I got a Schick Intuition gift pack with a razor, spare blade and wooden pumice scrubber thingy in it for $1.00. I had a coupon for $2.00 off so I got it for free and made a $1.00 profit on it. They also had two packs of Glade Wisp Air Freseners on clearance for $5.00. I had $3.00 coupons so I ended up geting a two pack for $2.00. They are usually about $7.00 each. So, $1.00 is awesome. I bought three two packs. When I opened one up, there was a $2.00 coupon in each one. So, I will be watching the Clearance aisle for them to go down even more so I can use these coupons.

I am about to do something very unlike me as far as bargain shopping and saving money. We are getting ready to buy a 50" Plasma TV and a new wall unit for it. $$$$$$$$ Shock! We are pretty frugal with our spending and rarely go out to eat or to the movies or basically anywhere - so having a nice big TV for movies and LOST would be a great treat for us. So, we are going to do it. If I can write a check that big!

Hint of the Day: Look around your Wal-Mart for a clearance aisle. Ours is in between the paint and automotive section. This is anew thing for our Wal-Mart and it is a fun aisle to wander through. Don't forget your coupons!

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