
Sunday, December 11, 2005

Happy Birthday Mumsie!

The Whitman's Samplers - one pound box were Buy One Get One Free at Walgreen's for $7.99. I dug around on the shelf and found boxes that were wrapped in Fall leaves paper. On those boxes there were $1.00 off coupons. So, I paid $5.99 for two boxes - $3.00 each - not a bad deal for a nice Christmas gift. Who doesn't like a box of chocolates?

Can I ask a favor? If you are reading this would your leave me a comment? Just a quick "HI" and how you found my blog? I hear a lot of people say on other boards that they read it, but I would like to see for myself. Thanks!

Hint of the DAY: Check out all the merchandise on the shelf before you grab something. I often find coupons, bonus packages, free with purchase items, etc. at the back of the shelf. I used to stock at a retail store, so I know that sometimes items arrive with little "exras".


  1. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Hi Shara, I read your blog every time you make an entry! We have alot in common it appears as we are on several of the same sites. I hate to write but I love to read so keep it coming! Kim

  2. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Hi - I read about your blog on the yardsalequeen message boards. I enjoy your humor and your tips! Thanks, Nancy

  3. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Hey Shara,

    I also found your blog through We have chatted about your DH and my BIL pertaining to the bread routes.


  4. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Hey Shara,

    I started reading your blog after you posted about it in the yardsalequeen thread about ebay blogs.

    ~ Nicole

  5. Anonymous9:46 PM

    I also started reading your blog after it was in yardsalequeen. I really enjoy this blog and reading your comments on the ysqueen. Here's to Great Deals for everyone in 2006. I am Pennypincher on the other site.



I love my comments. I'd love to respond to everyone, but if you don't have an email address tied to your ID, please sign your name so I will know who you are! It makes it nice to know who is saying what. Now, leave a comment! Please? ;o)