
Sunday, June 13, 2021

Thank you & The Spring Junk Ranch 2021

 I wanted to pop in say thankyou for the nice words about my sweet Mom.  I miss her more than I can tell you. I always thought I would just curl up in a ball on the floor and cease to function when I lost her.  But, I have been so calm through it.  I feel her hand on my shoulder.  I know how incredibly lucky I was to have her my whole life.  I just feel blessed to have had her and her never ending love.  I have received cards and gifts from you sweet blog readers and IG friends.  More than I did from my own family.  Isn't that interesting to think that people that feel like they know you are compelled to send you a card, but people that actually DO know you and are related don't?  It's weird.  But, I thank all of you so much.  

The Junk Ranch was last week.  I thought about not doing it, but I really needed something to focus on.  So, I did it.  I swear to you, I do not remember really doing it.  I mean, I remember it, but I guess I was on autopilot, because it just flew by and wasn't the big deal setting up and tearing down like I usually think it is.  I guess everything else has been so hard, that is seemed easy.  I don't know how to explain it.

My patriotic/Americana area 

I took Christmas.  In June.  It sold!  

I like to make displays front back and side to side.

I have service for 86 of this beautiful vintage dinnerware.  I sold TWO PLATES.  And I only did that to make one persistent lady happy.

I sold a lot off this display and ended up donating the pink hutch.  It's currently at Goodwill for twice what I had it priced!


I bought that bench for $20 and thought it would sell.  It's made of landscape timbers and is heavy as hell.  It didn't sell, so I brought it home and put it in the yard.  I've never been good with selling big stuff.  I don't know why I try!  I should just stick to the smalls.

The dishes are amazing.  And SO HEAVY.

It was a good show and the weather cooperated.  The week before it poured rain and this week it was almost 100 degrees and SO humid.  

Thanks for stoppin in!


  1. Cannot believe you got rid of that pink cabinet.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It was dated and heavy and needed to be painted.

  2. Welcome back to your blog!! I hope this means you are back for good at least for a blog a month! I have missed reading your blogs! I just stopped by this time to check, and sure enough you posted recently! I am sorry about the loss of your Mom... I lost mine 7 years ago and it is hard, super hard! Great to see you posting!

  3. Anonymous7:35 AM

    I love these glass birds. I have the large med and mini birds. Red,golden,green,purple,blue,black,clear with ribbon colors inside and Bluejays. It did take 2 years of looking to complete.


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