
Sunday, August 06, 2017

The Week in Junk: Big Money and Some Fancy Stuff Too

Hey guys.  Here I am and I even have some JUNK to share!  Yay me!  My Step-Father had surgery last Wednesday - he ended up having quintuple (!) bypass surgery.  When we left him on Wednesday night, he was flat on his back, on a ventilator and hooked up to all sorts of tubes, wires, monitors and things.  Thursday afternoon when we went back, he was sitting in a chair eating orange slices.  I tell you what, those medical people are marvels.  It's just amazing.  He has made great strides and will be going to Rehab early this week.  My Mom had been doing things and taking care of herself.  I have been to her house almost every day (It is about 70 something miles round trip) and I have taken her to the hospital many of those days (140 something miles round trip).  I have a million things I need to do here and there, but I seem to be in the car a lot.  Anyway, the therapists all say he is doing great and will be as good as new soon.  He just has to heal and build up his stamina.  

Enough medical news.  Sheesh!

I hinted at a big sale last time.  I had been cleaning out the closet in my office the last few weeks and I came across and old book that I had bought who knows where.  It was a blank book full of very old newspaper clipping from the 1870's - 1910.  As I thumbed through it looking at the clippings, I found some pieces of paper in the back of the book.  I pulled them out and thought they would just be some interesting ephemera.  But, I love researching things, so I started looking into them.

I discovered they were US Postal Notes and the date on them was the very first date that they were introduced.  It was a form of currency that you took on trains so that you didn't actually have cash on hand, therefore making theft difficult.  When you arrived at your destination, you turned it in and got your cash.  

I looked on ebay, and there were some listed as high as $2,500.00!  But, not a single one had sold in the recent history.  I did a little more research and found an Auction house in CA that buys US Postal Notes.  I sent a quick email with a few photos of the notes.  A few days later I had an offer of $725 for the pair.  I took it and RAN!  The money straight into my PayPal account and I mailed out within the hour.  After fees and shipping, I made about $680.00.  Not bad for something I didn't really even buy or know I owned!  Crazy!

Since I have been busy and will be busy, I haven't had a lot of time to go looking for Junk Ranch fodder.  An IG'er was having a sale and listed a grouping of old green handled kitchen tools for sale. My total including shipping was right at $30.00 for nineteen tools.  That's only $1.75 a piece and I could never find any at sales here for less than that, let alone SO many at once.  Plus they are in fabulous condition.  I had about a dozen of these in red and green at the last Junk Ranch and I sold every one of them.  I priced them from $5-6 for the cookie cutters to $8-18 for the tools.  I will make money on them for sure.  I am trying very hard not to have all the HEART EYES for them. They are just delicious all together, aren't they?

Thursday I stopped at a sale and spotted this sweet little chair for $5.00.  I thought it was cute and someone would like it for a plant on their porch or to hold a big orange pumpkin for Halloween.  As I picked it up to pay for it, I spotted a mark on the bottom.

Heywood Wakefield!  I've never seen that mark with my own eyes before so I got pretty excited!  I will need to strip it, which isn't something I have ever attempted.  But, I think it is worth it to restore it to it's true state.  I still can't believe I found it!  And for only FIVE BUCKS!

Saturday I stopped at the Salvation Army at nearly 4:00 in the afternoon.  I swooped up a good amount of junk for that hour!  The wagon was sitting out in the yard and was priced $5.00.  I thought it would also be a good Junk Ranch Pumpkin/Mum display.  When I went to pay they told me that the outside stuff was only $1.00.  DEAL!  I also found a Pigeon Forge Pottery sugar bowl, a blue bundt pan for my collection and a mid-century ice bucket.  

On my last spin around the store, I spotted a silver punch bowl on a table.  That isn't something I have ever seen before either!  It's a lovely old Japan nickel Silver bowl, ladle and three silver cups.  It was only $7.00.  What were they thinking?  

I want to clean it up, but not polish it.  I like the worn loved look.  I plan on displaying vintage Shiny Brites in it and selling the whole thing at the Junk Ranch.  Since there are only three cups, I think I will put bottle brush trees in them.  They will be quite sweet, I think. (Note to self: Get a glue gun adapter for the car so I can craft while driving.)  HA HA.

There's a dumpy flea market next to the Salvation Army that I hit for the first time too.  I grabbed this old All bucket as soon as the dealer plopped it down.  I paid $12, which is a lot for me.  But, I loved it.  Not sure if I will sell or keep.  Depend on how much meat there is on the bone.  Sometimes you have US Postal Note money burning a hole in your pocket and you just want to buy something. :)

This weekend is Bargains Galore on 64 (180 miles of yard sales), which is my favorite-est thing EVER!  I don't think I am going tobe able to go with all that is happening right now.  But, if the stars align and everyone is in good hands for a day, I might just sneak off for a day of power yard saling.  I usually fill my far for less than $100 and find great things.  I really need vintage Christmas for the Junk Ranch and I usually find a good amount there.  Plus, it is my birthday gift to me from me and really the only gift that I do get.  But, family first, so we will see.  I could use a good day of junking and no stress too, but I usually get stressed that I am off goofing off and not helping someone.  I'll let you know if I'm going and if I do, I will post on Instagram throughout the day too.  Fingers crossed!


  1. So glad your SD is doing well. I love your finds and those green handled utensils are so so pretty. I would have a hard time letting go. My other favorite is the chair! What a find!

  2. First, I'm so glad your SD is doing well. Second... WOW! You were sure on a hot roll with your finds and the sale of those postal notes! You got a sweet deal on the green handled kitchen tools. Hope you're able to get to the sales... may the Yardsale Gods smile upon you!!!

  3. Good things come to good daughters that take care of family.

  4. It's so great to hear from you Boo! And I'm so glad you have good news to tell us about your step dad! I'm sure your mom appreciates you being there for her. And congrats on that awesome find! You are so smart to research your new found ephemera. I probably would have looked at it, admired it and put it right back. And now you have some moola to have fun with!!

    Speaking of fun - I love all your finds! I love the wagon and the sugar bowl. I'm having a love affair with creamers and sugar bowls right now (sigh!). They are plentiful and I feel like I'm buying them all up. And I love the All bucket! Buckets are useful and have the promise of holding all kinds of goodies!

    Can't wait to hear about your Bargains Galore on 64. Hint. Hint. You gotta go. Those Shiny Brites aren't going to roll into your life all by themselves. You always have good luck - so happy shopping.

  5. glad your SD is on the mend. Hopefully the stress and driving will start to taper down. Love that giant punch bowl! It's now shot to the top of my hunt list!! Unexpected junk molah is just the best! Especially big ass money...whoop!! Go to the dang sale!

  6. WOW on those postal notes! And in regards to the yard sale route - treat yo' self with some of that sweet yard sale money!

  7. You killed it on the postal notes! Who knew they were even a thing! Obviously, the Canadians do, eh! (or was that CA for California and then that whole sentence doesn't make sense)


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