
Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Old Booth is The New Booth

Lara started setting up her new booth the first of March.  She moved upstairs and her booth is totally adorable, chock full of her sweet framed prints, painted furniture and other sweet things.  She had provided all the display pieces for one side of our booth when we originally set it up.  So, she had to move all of those pieces out too.  Between her full time job, Kindergarten twins and everything else she has going on, I didn't want her to think she had to have it all moved out by the end of February. besides, we are still BUDDIES (I made her swear!) and buddies treat each other with respect.  :) Plus I was sick half of February and my Dad had the Pacemaker replacement last week and NOW our truck has a huge repair needed so we are down to one vehicle for awhile.  ANYWAY - the stars all aligned on Friday and I loaded up the car after The Breadman got home and headed up to give the booth a new look.  

We have this extra set of shelves beside our booth and we failed to let the owner know that we didn't want them anymore, so they are our for the next month.  As usual, I have more on them than she does - but it is only for a couple more weeks.  I picked up that Lucite revolving rack not long ago and knew it would be perfect for all the novelty coffee mugs I pick up.  That little blue and green cabinet on top is such a darling thing.  It is very heavy and well made.  

The Bean helped me carry in those black shelves which weigh a TON.  They are painted with chalkboard paint, so I can write prices and notes on them.  Yes, that second shelf is chockablock with Razorback water bottles and Mason Jar Mugs.  That's not my usual thing to sell, but the Dollar Tree has cases of them in stock right now.  The UA bookstore sells them for $20 each!  This store is located right on a bike trail and all the University students shop there, so I am hoping that they sell.  I didn't notice anyone else in the store selling them, so maybe I have the "in" on them.  I have seen on Instagram that other people have them in their booths at other flea markets.  I aimed high at $6-$8 on them at first.  You can always go down, but you can't go up!  

I haven't really sold high dollar or large items in this store, so it is a new thing for me as far as learning what to put in there and what to price it.  The big brass bird cage and the gorgeous old wood mirror are two things that I worried about pricing.  I priced high, since I can mark down if needed. Plus customers can make an offer and they will call to see if you are interested.  

I love having the vintage flashcards hanging on the wall and in the basket to flip through.  Lara was sweet enough to leave the gallery wall that she made.  I say she did me a favor by leaving it, she says I did her a favor by not making her take it down.  Respect!

This building is located by the railroad tracks and used to be some sort of a warehouse way back in the day.  It has character like these old beams and rock walls.  We can hang things on the beams, but not paint them.  But, WHO WOULD paint that awesome old beam anyway???

These shelves are still a hot mess, but I will tackle them this week.  I crammed everything I had in the whole booth on these shelves while we were moving things around.  I'll pull some things and have a sale on others.  This is my frat boy area.  They love all that stuff.

I sell a lot of toys.  I try to find vintage toys to keep in that "Toys your Mother threw out" bin, but sometimes I add in newer things if I find them.  Kids love to dig in there.  I price it cheap so it moves. The other basket is packages of old Happy Meal Toys and things.  The college guys like to dig in there.   

I make the Razorback themed flashcards.  I frame them in the same matching black frames and people have been known to buy 1-6 of them to make a gallery wall.  I am trying to think of more local or sport words to use.  I am SO not a sports gal.  It is hard for me to think of sporty things.  But, this store is a block form campus and is shopped at by HUGE sports fans.  HUGE!

Another shot inside.  I moved my sign up higher after I took this photo.  The glittery blue MONKEYBOX sign, that is.  The giant frog was my booths feature on their IG page today.  I doubt anyone will rush in to buy it, but it's still fun to see what items they pick to show each day.

I'm sure I will keep on rearranging it and thinking of new things to put in there.  I am working on my signature ephemera things today - old bingo cards, scrabble words, letter banners, yearbook photo table scatter, flashcards and on and on. I guess I should think of some Spring-y and Easter-y things too.  But that is hard to do today because........

Hey guess what?  IT IS SNOWING TODAY!  The first snow of the year.  Kind of late, but better late than never!  


  1. I really love seeing the photos of your booth because I'm hoping to get one sometime later this year and I get great ideas from you.

    Can I ask a question? when you attach your prices tags to items, do you use tape?

    1. I try to tie my tags on to most things. I use a piece of bakers twine and punch a hole in the tag. There are things that you just can't do that like glasses and pottery. I put a piece of scotch tape across the tag. I usually put tags inside those items and not on the bottom like most people do. Good luck getting a booth! It's a lot of work, but it's a lot of fun too!

    2. Thanks Shara - good tip on the tags. I'm glad I asked. :-)

  2. I love seeing your booth and how fun to shop there!!

  3. as always you make it look yummy

  4. I spy Dressy mother didn't throw mine out!

  5. I love the big framed flash cards. I've started to frame some vintage ephemera... and hope it helps sell it!

  6. I love your booth. The framed flash cards are my favorite! Wish I lived closer... I'd be scooping some.


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