
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Junk Ranch Weekend IS HERE

It's time for the Junk Ranch!  Goodness gracious.  I took a very fully loaded SUV and a fully loaded truck out today and the car is loaded yet again for tomorrow.  I hope the shoppers come ready to buy Vintage Christmas, because I certainly have a TON!  

If you remember, the Spring JR had hellish temperatures - nearly 100 and humid and just miserable. It was actually pretty warm earlier this week - but it is going to be in the 40's the next two nights and a high of 70 all weekend.  I AM IN HEAVEN!  This weather should bring the people out by the droves.  Yay!

I'll be back next week with a full report, lots of pictures and hopefully some good stories.  I really appreciate all of you that give me encouragement to do this show.  The comments, the texts, the emails.  They all mean the world to me!  And don't forget - if you follow me on Instagram (HINT HINT) I always post lost of photos on the fly during the day.  @sharamonkeybox that's me!


  1. Shara good luck at Junk Ranch, not that you need it! They are fun to do but SO.MUCH.WORK. and I know how much you prepare. The weather is beautiful and your right, it should bring out the shoppers in droves! Cant wait for the recap!

    1. It is a ton of work! You know that! Perfect weather and a great group of vendors - it can't miss. Hope you can make it to another one someday soon.

  2. GOOD LUCK!! With all your vintage goods folks will flock to buy!!
    Anxiously waiting to hear your recap of the weekend-too bad Arkansas is sooooo far away or I would come (and bring lots of $$)

  3. Crossing my crafting fingers that you knock it out of the ballpark. And THANK GOODNESS it won't be sooooo hot.

  4. Break a leg and do wonderful business! I can't wait to read your stories...

  5. Love hearing you'll have great weather, half the battle! Sell well and have fun!

  6. Man time has flown by! I feel like spring JR just happened.The cooler temps are awesome.

    1. June 12 to Sept 30 isn't very much time at all! It was a gorgeous day today!

  7. OMG I hope you have fun and make a ton of money so you can rinse, repeat, and regale us with your particular brand of vintage goodness. Can't wait to see and hear what happens! May some pink crinoline dishes find their way to you! Did I say I can't wait to see and hear what happens?!

    1. Your comments always make my day! I'll have fun - that's a guarantee! Photos and stores to come....I PROMISE!

  8. Have fun!! I wish I could come to Junk Ranch!!

  9. Do you still have the round tuit's? Can I buy them. Ship them? I'd gladly pay! thanks

    1. Hello - I am sorry, but I don't know what you are looking for? Sorry!

  10. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Ok, hate to nag but been waiting on tenterhooks on your blog on how the JR sale went! Can you tease us with a sense of when you'll be able to blog about all of your JR stories and sales and setups, etc, etc?

  11. I am working on a post, my dear Anonymous, I promise! It was an exhausting weekend but I am putting my thoughts in order as we speak. Maybe tomorrow???? Your exuberance makes me chuckle. :) Thank you!

  12. Great read and that boy of yours - you did a good job Shara!


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