
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Birthday Decorations

It's birthday month over here.  Not that I celebrate my birthday for a month - but mine was yesterday and The Bean's is September 6th, so I leave my birthday decorations out for about a month.  I love the pops of happy and all the PINK.  I am sure my almost 21 year old LOVES pink birthday stuff - but really most vintage birthday decorations ARE pink.  (Lucky me!)

Those white shelves of mine - what would I do without them?

All sorts of birthday and party fun.  I added in the Squeaker and an old doll head for fun.  My vintage candle boxes are one of my favorite collections.  I love it that people saved them from year to year.

Sweet vintage happy Birthday record and the squeaker I was supposed to sell.  We all saw that coming, didn't we? Treat cups and candle boxes.

I have a couple old Donkey Party game boxes that I added in this year.  

The area above the couch that everyone thinks is a mantle.  My favorite party decorations and framed book pages.  It's a lot of sweetness, but it makes me happy.  

Oh, silly me.  I forgot to mention how old I was this year.  

Damn straight.



  1. Suzanne @ Junkity Funkity303:54 PM

    Hope your special day was a sweet one! Best wishes for many more!!

  2. Happy, Happy Birthday!! Love your birthday displays - so much cuteness!

  3. Oh we all know you're turning 24 (again). No need to bring it up.

  4. I love all your birthday decorations! I DO celebrate my birthday for a whole month! LOL!!

  5. Seeeee - we have so much in common. I share Bean's birthday!! And happy birthday to you chica boo! WE get the presents - seeing all your vintage birthday awesomeness.

  6. Hope you had a GREAT birthday and got to spend it in the thrift store surrounded by all sorts of vintage goodies and then went home and had a great big old slice of birthday cake with extra roses on it. Pink ones.

  7. Hope you had a great birthday, Shara!

  8. Hope you had a great birthday. Love your cute.

  9. Happy happy birthday!! I like all of the pink birthday decorations.You know pink used to be a color for boys before the 1930's.


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