
Tuesday, June 07, 2016


Oh, hello again.  It's me.  Back with a Junk Ranch prep run down.  I priced my last item at 4:35 yesterday afternoon.  I remember it because it meant I was DONE.  I have literally priced thousands of items in the past month.  All the Junk Ranch items, things for booth booths - thinking of prices for ebay listings and Etsy listings.  I swear, it doesn't matter what I look at or where I see it - I want to stick a price on it.  Then, today I went out to get my booth ready (it is in the same town as the Junk Ranch, so it will be swarming with folks) and decided to pull some things to take with me which meant a bit more re-pricing and then, because I am crazy - I made a Super Cheap Thrift run and found some more things to take.  So, the real final pricing was tonight at 9:28.  FOR REAL.

For the first time, I am taking big things to the Junk Ranch - even........wait for it....a PIECE OF FURNITURE.  Will wonders ever cease?  It is an old primitive piece out of an old 1940's auto mechanic shop - there are shelves for auto repair books and a row of hooks for the keys. It is just wood with a stain on it.  I suppose it could be painted, but I like the look of it.  I need to add some old keys to the hooks to bring the point home to what it actually once was.  It has been in my garage for years.  I mean YEARS.  I always thought I would do something terribly clever with it, but it just sat there.  So, off it goes.  Thinking of a price on old odd items it so hard for me.  I'm super cheap so I personally wouldn't (and didn't) pay much for it.  But, how common are old auto mechanic cabinets from the 1940's?  Not very common, I would say.  

I am also cleaning out my suitcase hoard.  I bought five suitcases at an estate sale a few weeks ago and then I found about five more in the garage, so that's a lot of suitcases!  Hopefully they are still desirable.  I will price them low because I really don't want to bring them back into the garage.  One stack is all red, white and blue, so that will look all happy and Patriotic.  I made some flashcards that say "ROADTRIP" and "Car trips are fun!" to add in to the stack as well as some Patriotic mixed media collages.

I bought an old metal folding cot for $1.00 that I fully intended to redo with a new foam mattress and some cute vintage fabric.  But then I remembered something.  I DON'T SEW.  Plus, I am pretty sure anyone that buys an old camping cot would most likely want to get rid of the foam mattress in case it's buggy (THE HORRORS), so I will just leave it as a metal cot and let the buyer fix 'er up.  I have a pile of old picnic blankets and quilts, the cutest tabletop BBQ in the loveliest shade of jadeite green, a pile of picnic baskets, my entire Thermos collection (SNIFF) and lots of other vintage camping/picnic themed items for a cute display.  I am just afraid that every booth will have the very same things. There are only so many things you can do for a theme in the Summer.  I'm taking a little vintage Christmas because some people like that stuff and will buy it any time of the year.  (That's me, for the record!)

Speaking of summer. OH my God.  It is hot.  Hot and humid.  Like drippy sweat hot.  It has rained for weeks and been on the cool side.  But that all came to a screeching halt on Sunday when the sky cleared and the weatherman said, "There is not one percent chance of rain in the entire next week." Yay!  No rain!  But then he added the temperatures would be in the 90's and the humidity would be oh so very high.  Now, I hate the heat, but I had already made a deal with the devil that I could deal with any heat I was dealt as long as the rain would stop.  So, I had it coming!  

I'll be back next week with a report and lots of pictures.  We'll see how my displays turned out and if I got it all done!  Lara will be right beside me with her cute and fabulous things too.  We will have stories to tell you!  I promise!  If you follow me on Instagram, I will post photos through the days.  @sharamonkeybox if you don't follow me already.  Lara is @prettyquirkyblog and you can follow @thejunkranch too for all the fun!  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thanks for my monkeybox fix!! I.CAN'T.WAIT for your next post & pics. I wish I could be a dragonfly in your booth so I could see all the fun and goings on! Hope you sell out! But I really hope you find a treat for yourself - maybe some pink crinoline!

  2. Sell Sell Sell!!! Every single thing you mentioned sounds amazing but do not bring it home! I cannot believe the treasure trove in your must have been an Indiana Jones moment. Digging out treasures from the past. Keep cool...soak bandanas in ice water and tie on neck (a la 80s) use same ice water to soak hands for ten seconds to lower body temp (wrists) and keep drinking a lot of water. I'd say beer but that just leads to cheaper prices.


  3. Go forth and sell. Sounds like you are more than ready. GOOD LUCK!

  4. You have worked hard and now the fun begins. I made a sad face at the thought of all your thermos's going but sigh...we sometimes have to see things to make room for more. Wish I could come to this sale! I'll be on instagram for sure!

  5. You will do well! You've been working on this for ages! Good luck! PS - I hope my keychains come in the mail today! :)

  6. If you're making deals with the devil, then you'd better get used to the heat. LOL You're gonna rock the Ranch again for sure! Have fun. Stay cool. Do you have a battery powered fan? Also, SUN SCREEN AND FLOPPY HAT!

    1. I have a water misting fan and sunscreen. No floppy hat but I have lots of hair!!!

  7. NOOO, not the thermoses!!! Give them a little hug for me before you send them on their way. I'm sure their new owners will love them and hey, you can't keep everything :)

  8. I know. Right? I know they're super popular so I wanted to offer them up. But I do love them. Maybe they won't sell? <3

  9. I understand just what you mean about struggling with prices. I am cheap, too, so it's hard to figure out what a "not cheap" person would pay for something. Good luck with the show!

  10. I don't follow Instagram, but I think I'm going to join just to follow you! Hope sale is going well.

    1. Instagram is so fun! You will like it - lots of collectors and junkers. See you there!

  11. I know you and Lara will do great as usual. I sent you a email, I can't come but I'll be thinking of you both and hoping you sell it all. Your summer displays sound awesome and I hope your new spot ends up the best on the ranch!

  12. Anonymous6:59 PM

    I'm sure you're exhausted, but this blog lurker is dying for an update on the weekend and the Junk Ranch event!


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