
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

1.5 Billion

Hey there!  I thought I would pop in to say Hello before I get all caught up in the Media Hullabaloo that will kick in once I win that 1.5 Billion tonight.  I won $8 on the last draw, so I am pretty sure that the next step is the 1.5 Billion.  Out of the last three tickets I have bought the Powerball Number has been 24.  Isn't that odd?  

There are so many articles on Facebook, in the newspaper and on the news about how winning this lottery would potentially ruin your life.  Heck, that sounds like a challenge!  :)  I am fascinated with lottery stories about how people spend every dime of their winnings on luxury cars, gold toilets and other foolish purchases.  

How would my life change?  Here's what I would consider BIG Changes for me.

A new house.  Not a 248 room Mansion.  But a nice house - big but not ostentatious.  Several living areas, a big kitchen, home theater, an indoor pool (but not too deep because I don't know how to swim), a nice craft room, indoor easily accessible storage for all my holiday and decorating items, storm shelter, shelves everywhere for all my crapola (I may be rich, but I will always love the junk I own now), sleeping porch, a pantry the size of a convenience store so I would only have to go shopping once a year, outdoor kitchen, my own personal laundromat with five giant washers and dryers and a front porch with all the Cracker Barrel rockers - like twenty!  Ohm yes and a nice above the garage apartment for The Breadman.  I KID!  He can get his own house.  Or maybe stay in this one!  :D

A truck for junking because I don't care how rich you are - if you have the junking bug - it isn't leaving with a pile of money thrown on top of it.  Besides, I need to fill up my new house with fabulous old cubbies and wardrobes and farmhouse tables.  Oh, an not a new big shiny truck.  An old chippy truck that won't get hurt when I throw that table in the back.  

I would eat out more and not look at the price on the menu.  I would still eat at the lower cost places, but I wouldn't argue with them that I need a price adjustment because I left the bacon off my grilled chicken sandwich.  

Well, anyway  - good luck to you if you have a ticket for tonight.  Don't forget your old friend SHARA when you win!  

My the odd be forever your your favor.


  1. how did I know you would throw BM to the curb, at least you are nice enough to let him keep the old house. Bwahahahaha

  2. It's fun to dream!!! Good luck!

  3. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Well, I kept my fingers and toes crossed and hoped it was my little ole quick-pic that won a $1M here in GA (the big winners from CA, FL and TN)but not to be. I need a car desperately, one that I can throw my 'foster' son's wheelchair into and was mentally picking out my new Vehicle! And I was thinking of a nice little ranch house, with a nice handicap accessible mother-in-law suite so my 'foster' son (who is an adult, lost partial leg recently and had other issues)could live in that section of the house but have his own separate space (or a house with guest cottage, handicap accessible, which would be even more like his own home but close to me for his well being. He thinks of me as 'mom' and he has no family at all, none. And we would have been able to live comfortable. Oh well. Maybe next time!

  4. Love this post! If I won my first thought would be a vintage shopping spree - LOL!

  5. Well, I guess neither of us won! There's always next time:)

  6. Does the big winner in Munford,TN need a friend? I'm available,lol.

  7. Sigh...not even one number here. I had visions of jetting off to the Paris Flea Markets with my winnings to scoop up vintage, antique, chippy treasures.


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