
Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Week in Junk: Christmas Edition

I have been hitting the thrifts hard lately.  Let me think.  Two today plus a vintage mall.  Five on Thursday.  Two on Tuesday.  And so on and so on.  I used to feel guilty if I hit the thrifts  - but this is sort of my job.  Not a great money making job like a real job.  I told the Breadman that he loves football, but he can't go to a football game in July, so when it's football season, he goes FULL ON football crazy.  So, if I can really only thrift vintage Christmas this time of year - I damned well better get out there and FIND IT.  This logic actually made sense to him.  MIRACLE.  

I have bought quite a bit of things that I have packed away for the October Junk Ranch.  A lot of it is worth reselling, but not so great that I needed to photograph it.  Things like older but not great boxes of Shiny Brites - boxes of all blue and all reds, several giant bags of old Shiny Brites that will need to be bagged up to be sold, some tacky plastic things and on and on.  I, of course, kept a couple things, but honestly I am full up over here and have my displays down to an almost exact science in getting everything to fit where it does.  But, there is almost always an exception and something sneaks in. Ahem.

But first  - a few random photos  - a mini "phone dump" if you will.

I popped into Goodwill just as they carts were rolling out one night.  On top of one of those carts of goodies was one of Lara's prints.  I gasped and quickly sent her a photo - who could buy that and donate it already?????  She quickly texted back that SHE had donated it because it was in a lesser quality frame.  Someone got themselves a cutie at a bargain price!  

I stopped in the laundromat to dry some oversized items and what to my wondering eyes did appear but SANTA'S SUIT all freshly laundered and ready for THE BIG DAY.  This photo amused me for some reason.  It still does!  

This sign was at the SCT and it took me a good five minutes to figure out what it was saying.  

Christmas "STUFF" was going to be half off.  I got the half off right away - but that STOUGH really had me stumped.  That is a super long way to go about misspelling something.  I just hope it was a HUGH sale and they have COLLECTABLES.  Maybe even a ROT IRON Santa???

Okay - on to the junk and I better watch my spelling after all that, huh?

I spotted this tin child's kitchen cabinet at the thrift in the Antiques Section.  I sucked the air out of the room in one gulp and pounced on it.  This particular thrift has an Antiques section, but things are not marked crazy high.  I wasn't sure how much it would be - I was guessing $20.00 in my head. When I saw the $3.00 price tag, I went a little crazy.  The boys were with me and The Breadman asked if it was going on ebay or to the Junk Ranch.  Little did he know that in my head, I was already trying to find a spot for it in the house.  I picture it holding my spun head cake decorations, vintage birthday candle boxes and my childhood toy baking pans.  It had contact paper on the shelves, which I carefully picked off over the course of a few days.  The shelves are a bit rusted underneath, but not that bad.  But bad enough I can say, "Oh, it wasn't going to sell for much."  That is IF he ever notices it.  That, my friends, is the big question.  

The back of the cabinet.  Is't it just the bee's knees??????


As I was trying to pick up the cabinet, I has this under my arm.  It's a huge sign - very well made.  It isn't metal or wood or plastic - some sort of a composite material.  I need to research it.  It garnered some interest on Instagram from a few buyers, so I know I need to look into it a bit more.  

These are knock off brand new kneehuggers from Hobby Lobby.  I am so not a fan of reproduction things BUT, these were $1.00 at Goodwill so I rescued them.  The pastel colors will never fly in my decor, so off to the booth or something next Christmas.  

On the same GW visit, I found a shoe box full of 48 honeycomb bells.  Purple, yellow, pink, green and blue - nice sweet soft pastel colors.  Those silly elves looked like they were in candy heaven.  

A quick stop at the Salvation Arm netted a wee box with one swell find - a spun head Santa.  Oh, he's a keeper - you know it!  I like those spun thread balls too.  

Here is he is at home.  So cute!

I spotted this box under a pile of plastic Christmas tree stands.  Pulled it out, chucked the cash at The Bean and had him take it straight to the car.  It rotates and plays music and is super annoying.  But, I know it will be Junk Ranch gold! 

A couple of boxes of older ornaments.  I gleaned the good ones out and put them on my tree and filled the box in with extras I had found.  I always keep the good stuff because I am a greedy Christmas piggy.  As it should be.  :)

Dug these out from the back of a shelf at at thrift where everything was half off.  They were 50¢, so I paid a quarter for all four.  Don't cha know they hopped into the KEEP pile too?  Naughty guys.

I found these three guys at the same thrift.  Their jauntily little ric-rac icing suits charmed me over. Their little wayward eyeballs are comical to say the least.  They are hanging out near the KEEP pile. Every time I see them I think they need to go in the SELL box, but so far, no luck.   


Yesterday I stopped in at a Vintage Mall - I never go to places like that because I am spoiled by thrift stores and places where if I see something I want, odds are good I can afford it.  Picking up a vintage blowmold and seeing $48 on it - OUCH.  (Yes, I know - I sell at these places.  What an oxymoron. Or maybe just moron).  Anyway - I spotted a markdown section and found this wonderful old box of PINK Angel Hair for $1.00.  Then, guess what - it was half off.  55¢.  Score for me.  The lady at the register - she was SO NOT happy with me only spending 55¢ in her store.  Sorry lady.  

And, one last find.  A globe.  (duh)  I thought it was a Hobby Lobby one, so I would throw it in the booth for a little profit.  But, now that I have it I think it's older - it;s very heavy and well made.  I need to do more research on it to.  Chanelle has been helping me, but I still have more work to do. But that is half the fun!  

Today is candy making day because, you know you have to make candy or the family revolts.  Hope you are having a wonderful week leading up to THE BIG DAY!!!!


  1. If I had those gingerbread men, I would be so tempted to add some buttons to the fronts. I love all those bells. I only seem to find white, green and red. I can't wait to see the wreaths you make next year with your finds.

  2. So many great finds. I love the spun heads and the santas!! No vintage Christmas finds for me.

  3. Great post! Are you checking the countries on the globe? that usually reveals the age.

  4. I loved those spun head Santa's when I saw them on IG!! You've found some great stuff this year, Shara.

    I'm assuming you have my address so you can send my my candy?

    Merry Christmas!


  5. I love your line... . " I sucked the air out of the room..." LOL! I can only imagine the loud gasp! You got some fab finds... Never find that much vintage in a year's worth of looking! Good going! Merry Christmas!

  6. You know you can buy Snickers at the grocery store, right? Just kidding, I love homemade Christmas candy. There's just no one here who will eat it besides me!

    Check on to try to figure out how old it is. I hope it's worth millions!!!

  7. Can you send some of that vintage Christmas vibe my way? Our thrifts have been terrible this year, but you found some great scores! I'm off work tomorrow and I am headed to an antique mall, yes I am desperate.

  8. You are just cracking me up! "Greedy Christmas piggy". Hee hee! Some great keeper finds plus bonus JR goodies. I'm determine to stay ahead of flea season by bagging and tagging it all as I go, instead of that two week before frenzy...but I say that every year. I'd say send me some candy but I'm still working on my birthday box!



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