
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

It's Time!

The car is loaded.  There is another load ready to go in the truck in the morning.  I can not get one more thing in the car other than me and The Bean.  It is to capacity to the roof.  I may have to dangle my purse out the window as we drive.  Hard to tell at this point.  

Junk Ranch Rundown: Shara with Monkeybox Vintage Junk, is one of our original vendors. She has the best eye for finding unique vintage smalls & her booth is a treasure chest for vintage housewares, collectibles & handcrafted items using vintage materials. Tons of fun packed in her booth!! You can find her in her usual spot - behind the house & under the Walnut tree.

I have 1/3 vintage, 1/3 Ephemera/Fun Junk and 2/3 Vintage Christmas.  Yes, I know those numbers don't add up - because I have a TON of vintage Christmas including about a dozen blow molds. Lordy, I hope those shoppers are into vintage Christmas.  

Here's a fun article written by my friend, Laurie:  Junk Ranch article

I'll be back next week with yet another JUNK RANCH RUNDOWN.  If you follow me on Instagram, I will post as I set up and as the sale progresses over the next two days.  I have been working on making things and getting things ready almost since the last JR in June.  As usual, I have A LOT of stuff.  

Your support means the world to me.  Buying, making, packaging, displaying, setting up and so forth isn't always appreciated by the people in my real life.  So, it is NICE to know that you guys get it and understand.  :)


  1. You need both hands for the wheel. Let the Bean dangle your purse outside the window as you drive.

    I predict you're going to have another fabulous show! I bet you won't have a single blow mold left.

  2. Get it? I love it!! I look forward to your posts on the Junk Ranch! Good luck! Sell a lot! And may the blow mold people flock to you!

    Do you have electric there? I'd light those guys up!

  3. I would run to buy your blow molds! Have a great show & sell lots.

  4. I know you are going to have a fabulous show! I'll be thinking of you!

  5. Will be thinking about you this weekend. Knock it out of the ballpark!

  6. We've seen your stuff, how can you miss?

  7. Good luck Shara! May you sell it all!!

  8. You're going to great! You have some wonderful things for sale. Can't wait to hear all about it.

  9. Best of luck on your sale! I'm sure it will be great. Glad you're not getting the awful rain that we're getting here!

  10. Best of luck on your sale! I'm sure it will be great. Glad you're not getting the awful rain that we're getting here!

  11. You will be amazing and I can't wait to follow your adventures on IG! XOXO

  12. Strap the bean to the roof and cram in more stuff! Lol you worked hard and I hope your sales are fabulous! Don't know if I'm gonna make it down as my work schedule got switched :( save me a pendant necklace I'll mail you the money!!!


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