
Sunday, June 21, 2015

But, I Don't Even Smoke!

Years ago, when I was first getting the collecting bug, I spotted a photo in either Martha or Country Living.  It was a bowl or a basket on a coffee table and it was full of these specific bright and gaudy souvenir ashtrays.  I don't really know why - probably because they had a good amount of PINK on them - but that photo stuck in my head all these years and I wanted a collection of those ashtrays. BAD.  Finally, I found my first one and then the hunt was ON!  I found a few more here and there, but, then I didn't find any more.
I decided the collection wasn't meant to be.  I kept Washington DC for my Patriotic display and put the others that I had in the booth.  Down the line I found a couple more and the bug hit me again.  I pulled the ones that I had left  in my booth and brought them home.  Heidi got wind that I loved them and she too had seen the photo in that magazine, so she started collecting them too.  She sent me a few over the years - duplicates that she already had, I believe.  Then, after an Instagram post, my friend Chanelle started finding them in Chicago and sent them along to me.  Then, Laurie aka Magpie Ethel saw an Instagram post when I found one and she sent me a couple too.  And, then not too long ago, dear sweet Heidi sent me her complete collection to add to mine.  We are sharing it  - it just lives at my house.  :)

Here are all that I had after Heidi sent me her collection to add to mine.  They all fit neatly in this cool JUNK box.  I was quite happy with all of these - I finally had my tacky sparkly collection!

But, then Friday, I stopped at a Goodwill in a neighboring town and what did I find?  You guessed it. But, did you guess that I found TWELVE at once?  I couldn't leave them.  I just couldn't!  I had no one at home to call to tell me what I did have and didn't have.  They were $2.00 each and I had to think long and hard before I bought them.  But, I caved.  I had a bit of Junk Ranch money burning a hole in my pocket.  So, I bought them all!  l was thinking that any duplicates could be offered up on Instagram for sale.  But, in all those twelve along with the ones I already had -there was only ONE duplicate.  Now I have 36!  Notice, I didn't say 36 states.  I have six from Missouri and they are all different.  There are some from different tourist attractions.  And even one from Old Mexico which makes me wonder if they made them for other countries too.  Oh my!

Are you ready to see them all?  Here we go......

Nevada, Nevada, South Carolina and Ohio.  See - two different Nevada ones!

Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Alabama and Missouri (one of many Missouri).

Wyoming, Blue Hole Castalia Ohio, Oklahoma, Buffalo Ranch Oklahoma, Southeast Missouri Vacationland and The Great Smoky Mountains.  

South Carolina, Old Mexico, South Carolina and South Dakota.

Mississippi, North Dakota, Nebraska and Nevada.  Hmmm.  I think I put that same Nevada in there twice.  Whoops.  

West Virginia, Reno Nevada, North Dakota and Ohio.

California, Washington, Hawaii and California (they are different - look.)

Kansas, Illinois, Wisconsin and Missouri.  Again, with the Missouri! :)

The whole big bright, shiny tacky collection.  

They are silly and not anything I NEED.  But, they make me happy.  Everyone deserves a little silly happy in their life.  RIGHT?

Now, I just need to find an Arkansas one.  Come to Mama!


  1. What hole have I been hiding under that I've never seen these before?! Kitschy & lovable! I would have bought all of them too!

    1. They are fun, aren't they" Maybe you will "see" them now too.

  2. Replies
    1. That's one of my favorites because of the huge PINK flower. Bonus points since I have been to Hawaii.

  3. You have the best luck and some really good friends. I totally agree. Everyone deserves a little silly happy in their life!

    1. Silly happy and good friends - it's a win-win!

  4. LOVE THEM! I've never seen them either! Now I want to collect states I've been too! Hawaii is gorgeous! Oh my goodness, love that you have found so many!!

  5. Uh oh! Now I want to start collecting them. I remember always seeing them in racks at truck stops on our frequent road trips.

  6. Glad I could add to the collection and fun to see the variety of them. The hunt is still on....

    1. Thanks for your additions. I wrote names on the backs of the ones that people sent me so I will always remember the gifts.

  7. A seriously fun collection! I'll be on the lookout for one here from good ol' Indiana :)

  8. You need Kentucky. I'll get right on that. You ought to start putting them together into a big map, like some kind of shiny, tacky metal puzzle.

  9. I need to be looking for a Tx to add to your collection.

  10. What a beautiful shiny collection! I had one from Maine and I broke it...After I could'nt find anymore...Bummer!

  11. I used to be drawn to them at sales and I bought them sometimes but always sold them. I will be on the lookout for Oregon. Surprised Magpie Ethel hasn't found you one yet. I think they are a fun and silly great collection!

  12. I LOVE them!!! So how many states do you have? And I still can't believe you found 12 at once!!

  13. PS I owe you an email!!

  14. I adore this collection and have managed to amass exactly ONE so far - LOL!

  15. The pink would totally suck me in too! I collect souvenir glasses and each state has several different patterns. So I just need to stick to one pattern because really, who has room for 250+ souvenir glasses?!


  16. Great collection. I would have had to think too about buying 12 at one time. Seems like that was too easy, when you find them that way! I will be on the lookout for Virginia for you!

  17. I like EM's idea for one big shiny map like thing! I can honestly say I have NEVER seen one of them before. So now when I'm out thrifting this afternoon I bet I see a dozen.

  18. What a silly, fun, kitschy collection. I love that you hit the mother lode and found 12! I've never seen them before either and I've been yard sailing/antiquing for about a ba-zillion years.

    I collect sweet grass baskets and at a recent sale I bought 5 antique ones for $2 each! My own mother lode!


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