
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

TV News

Just in case any of you watch The D*ggars on N*neteen K*ds and Count*ing  - Tonight Michelle and the family go to her High School reunion - which is MY High School Reunion.  I didn't go - DADGUMIT - so I won't be on TV - YEA! But, it will be interesting to see - I mean how many people have their High School Reunion on National TV?  

My High School Yearbook - That's me on the top upper left and JB&M on the bottom right.  

Also, if you did watch it - please keep in mind that I look SO MUCH YOUNGER than anyone else and I am SO MUCH THINNER and I AM SO MUCH MORE SUCCESSFUL than anyone else. That is my story and I am sticking with it.  

*The film crew was at the thrift not long ago and I think all three of us made the camera multiple times even though we tried to avoid it......We'll see!  

Back tomorrow with tales of the Warehouse Sale!  


  1. Looks like M shares about her Bulimia. Interesting. Sorry you didn't make the reunion!

  2. Of course you're much younger than everyone else. You were a child genius!

  3. Should we ask for your autograph now? Who knows how much we can get for it on ebay in 10 years!! ;)

  4. Your a blogger rock star, which is way cooler in my book. Ol Jim bob went there too hu? Can't wait to see the warehouse goodies!


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