
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Heart and LOVE Day is COMING!

***Well, darn it.  I didn't win.  But my hopes of that Junker's Road trip WILL NOT DIE.  We will do it - we will!!!!!  If any of you won, please email me for my bank account info.  Thank you!  :)

I went to Walgreen's, Wal-Mart and The Dollar Tree today and I saw all the flowers and candy and balloons and I was reminded that I hadn't shown my Valentine's Day stuff yet.  'Cause I know you are all on the edge of your seats just about to DIE to see it all.  Ha.

I have an old window and a shelf hanging over the couch and on another wall over two chairs.  I use them for everything - as you have noticed.  Sometimes people think it's a mantle when they see the shelf.  I had a whole set of those giant flash cards, but I have sold them one by one.  But, I had to keep the big Valentine one.  Old sign letters XOXO, some candy boxes and a few Boyds Bears.  I used to have a lot of those bears, but I got rid of them all since they don't' fit into my vintage decor.  But, a few sweet red themed ones made their way into the Valentine's Day bins.  

Because fo my new crafty love - the pinwheel - I am turning everything I can find into pinwheels.  I grabbed a few old Valentine's and made some pinwheels out of them.  They are on red and white stripey straws with some white ric rac and red Baker's twine.  I put them in a striped popcorn container and glued a vintage Valentine on the front.  

I picked up this little vintage leather covered bottle last week at the thrift.  I'm still researching it, so until I figure out what it is, the heart made it work in this display too.  

 Bad lighting so bad photo.  :(  Love that huge honeycomb heart and the pompom garland I thrifted late after Christmas one year for cheap.  I glittered the wooden K-I-S-S letters.  Does anyone else have those silly solar moving guys from the Dollar Tree?  They seem to jump into my cart. Silly things, but they are cute and funny.
The famous white shelf.  What would I do without this shelf?

Chocolate covered cherry boxes, vintage this and vintage that.  

More of the same, but different.  I bought the little plastic treat baskets in a box lot this summer.  

I long to find some old candy boxes with the flowers and lace.  Until then, I doctored up these new ones with vintage flowers and lace.  

I've participated in the Heart to Heart sway over at Sarah's since the inception, I think.  I have so many handmade Valentine's from clever and creative bloggers and artists all over the web.  It's one of my favorite things to get out each year and admire each little piece.  Plus, I get a new box full each year!  You can click on that link to see what came this year and what I sent.  HINT:  It's that red and white striped envelope that says Heart to Heart on it.....  I put all the bigger ones on an old receipt holder.  

Yes, the dollhouse is still in the house.  :)   But, I think it will soon move to the front porch and then to the Junk Ranch this Spring.  Until then, a little Valentine fun.  

More Heart to Heart swap things, lots and lots of vintage Valentine's and some other fun stuff.  

Any excuse to use my red toy phone is good enough for me!  I bought that new Valentine cut out book to cut up as it suggests - but, I just can't bring myself to do it!

Annalee cupid mouse I found at the thrift where I never find anything.  

Mini flash card.  *This might be what I sent to the swap - a fat pack of them.  

And lastly.  The PINK tree.  Oh, how I love this tree.  It glows the most magnificent pink glow. It is covered in all the ornaments I have made and received and some sweet things people have gifted me.  You can't go wrong with a vintage toy truck either.   

Happy Valentine's day to YOU from me.  

Sorry about that roadtrip.  

It could still happen though!


  1. Love your Valentine's Day decor!

  2. Every single time I see your cherry boxes I think I should get mine down off the top shelf and do something with it. Today may be the day :) Are you seriously thinking of taking that AWESOME dollhouse to the Junk Ranch? If you do, put a price of $495 on it, so I won't feel bad if you do sell it.

  3. I'm still going to hope for the road trip!! Love to see all your Valentine decor. I love your old windows with a shelf. I think I need to do that with my window, just need to find the right space for it. I love the pink tree. Your inspiration helped me to decide to keep up my white tree this year with hearts on it!

  4. I adore your collection of candy boxes and that little red phone is just too cool!

  5. The main reason that I never win the lottery is that I don't buy tickets. It's nice to dream, though. My favorite collection of yours (if that isn't an odd thing to say) is the chocolate covered cherry boxes. I love the oddball nature of such a collection. (I mean that lovingly. As in, I love oddballs!) It makes me think of my mom. She loved those darn things! Keep dreaming!

  6. Thank you for tour and you know I'm secretly so darn happy to see that dollhouse all dressed up for Valentines. Cute, cute, cute!! Your valentine vignettes are just wonderful. Love the heart boxes and that red phone is adorable! Flashcards. Brilliant contribution to the swap. It's the first swap, I've missed in years.

  7. Well at least by not winning you can keep dreaming, same here for me! I love your Valentine décor I am working on adding to mine. I love the valentine book where did you find it? I would like to get one of my own. I love you blog updates and yes I also bought the cupid and devil solar dancers...I couldn't leave them behind. I hope you have a Happy Valentines Day!

    1. I got the book on Amazon for less than $5.00. I see a lot of sellers have it for even less than that! It's such a cute book!

  8. LOVE Those Darn Dollar Store Solar critters!! They sell out here the same day they come in! Hadn't seen the V-day ones before :-)

  9. Your Valentines decor is so so good! Seriously you have so much fun stuff I'm jealous, mine looks pitiful by comparison. I love how you decorate your old window and your white shelf full of collections is just awesome. I cannot believe you are gonna sell that house, I want to put first dibs on it, seriously I will totally buy it! Thanks for sharing the awesome pics, now must go hunt up some more Valentines decor before Saturday!

    1. I really love the dollhouse, but it's just SO big in my small house. But, I tend to waffle on getting rid on neato things, so we shall see........ It will be at The Junk ranch if I decide to sell it. But, you know how that goes......:)

  10. I didn't get my Valentines Day decorations out this year so it's fun to get to see everyone else's. Going two years without seeing what I have will be like it's all new stuff again!

  11. I haven't seen my Easter things for three years and I am excited to gt them out. I know my tastes have changed so I am mostly excited about getting rid of a ton of it and loving what I DO keep. All my Valentines fit in one tub which is nice. Unlike the *COUGH* 25 *COUGH* tubs of Christmas......


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